Old Sesame Street Labeled "For Adults"


A system of cells interlinked
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Lost in never never land
I read this article yesterday and then wrote a 1,500 word rant on it on Facebook. I couldn't believe it. I especially like how the NY Times article mentioned the unsanitory conditions, albeit in sarcasm as they really appeared to question the notice as well, of a farmer milking a cow with his hands (shock) in the old fashioned style. I now have something to blame on why I'm so messed up? Wait, I more normal then any kid is currently. Things like this just piss me off really quickly because of how absurd it is, and how little responsibility parents want to have for raising their children that a show like Sesame Street had to get cleaned up so much and now the original episodes are considered bad for kids.
"As I was walking up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away."
-From Identity

Continued evidence that the world is spiraling down the drain, "Sesame Street made me do it." I would imagine this means The Electric Company is next? You know cos they they always asked "Which one of these things is not like the other? Which one of these things is not quite right?" You're totally humming that aren't you? If you are are you might be a racist pig, I guess you'd better seek some sensitivity training. Was my tongue firmly enough planted in my cheek there or do I need to withdraw that?
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Wow, A sesame Street porno, kinky
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
Well, I never did trust that damn Bert.
I'm sure his fixation on pigeons were all part of some nefarious scheme.

Fear the Probe!

I remember the days when the only real "issue" people had with Sesame Street was that, compared to MisteRogers Neighborhood, it was a bit choppy and fast-paced and didn't teach children how to pay attention for long periods of time. (I kinda agree with that part.)

Yikes. Societal collapse on the horizon, gang.
have you seen any new "kid" shows? those are the most A.D.D. shows I have ever watched.
it basically does random images to make everyone laugh... (mayb a little exaggerated but u get the idea)

I'll stick with my barney any day kthxbi
One day you will ask me, what's more important...me or your life. I will answer my life and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life

Registered User
I'd like to see a movie about Oscar the grouch in the style of Ted, an actual adult Sesame Street.

Miss Piggy could be a prostitute. The fame could have got to Kermit and he's become a crack addict. Big Bird is a gangster. The Count is an evil vampire who goes round killing innocent muppets. Elmo could be a victim, but not before Oscar has beaten him up for being so nice and sweet.

Just an idea!

Registered User
According to the article, it's because some of the early episodes showed Cookie Monster smoking a pipe.