Which MoFo would you like Derpd?


You're welcome mikeython1. I think I'm really starting to get the hang of this. I've actually become better at drawing them with my off-hand than my good hand. I think because it's harder to use my off-hand it makes me concentrate more or something...

Requested by gandalf26, gandalf26:

You're welcome mikeython1. I think I'm really starting to get the hang of this. I've actually become better at drawing them with my off-hand than my good hand. I think because it's harder to use my off-hand it makes me concentrate more or something...

Requested by gandalf26, gandalf26:

Best derpy joker ever!
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
Do me do me.
--I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing.

It's true, I have kinda been making them good instead of derpy. Derpy is an adjective though which implies a range. So slightly derpy is still derpy, just not very. And I AM using my left hand after all.

Requested by rauldc14 and planet news, planet news:

i forbid anyone to "derp" me or request one. i will not be made a fool of. someone of my reputation should not be ridiculed or mocked. if anyone wants to do a serious portrait of a great man, then they are free, but it will not be official unless i deem it so.
That sounds like a request to me.

This thread makes me sad because this is where Deadite got his last avatar.