Movie You're Watching Tonight


Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence. Or I was, but then I started scoring the main theme on piano.
A rare role for David Bowie. If you like it, I reccomend A Bridge Over The River Kwai.

Seen all three of them. Thought they were great and really liked the girl. She was perfect for that role.
I don't know if the re-make can do her justice. I recommend the trilogy Red Riding.

Watched first half of Dr Zhivago today and may try to watch some of the second half tonight. It's gripping but a little confusing at times.
The book was better but still Dr. Zhivago is a masterpiece. Omar Shariff never looked back.

Blade Runner!
LOLd - Online Ouija Board

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Either going to continue on my "Lost" Journey (were on series 3) or were going to watch Sanctum.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Just watched the Reader. Interesting movie but I was a little conflicted. The boy was so infatuated with his lover. Why didn't he try to save her? In court, all he had to do was point out that she was illiterate and could not have possibly written the SS order that resulted in a life term sentence. There is good and evil in all of us and it's obvious that she was no genius and was programed to obey but she chose not to tell the truth that could have saved her. And she did show her humanity and fragility when she chose to kill herself, after being emotionally let down by the only person in the world that could have given her another reason for living. As for him, he remained a whimp until the end. Perhaps his lack of action explains the lack of action of so many others ( the ones that did not take direct part in the exterminations but knew about them and still did nothing ). In a broader context this movie tries to explain the German mentality and to show that there really wasn't much difference in the thinking between " the good " and " the bad " Germans.

The Help and, if I still have some time, In Time (I know it's a popcorn flick, but I really liked the plot).

I'm watching Dark Passage, an old 1940's Humphrey Bogart flick. Very cool. Alternative point-of-view camera technique was used for first time in this movie.