For Those Who Have Great Ideas


Hi Guys, I have the difficult task of finding an editor for my thesis. The only one that I had in mind is already working. She was an editor for FTV and she also edited my 301 project, The Narrow Gate. But nowadays she’s just too busy. I hope I can still convince her. While in film school I became spoiled by all of the free favors. I mean, who can shoot and post for free in this world? No one! Well…the equipment is included in the tuition, and what sweet equipment we have at IAFT. The work force, the skill, the late night film brigade, it’s irreplaceable. Where else can you find such dedicated talent willing to help you out? It’s very touching. After viewing the footage I have, I think the film will turn out to be amazing. With all the great people that worked on it I think even I can’t mess it up at this point. I really just have to convince the editor to do it. She’s really the only one good enough for the job. Anyway, since I’ve been back, I’ve shot a pilot episode for a TV show my cousin is producing. He has a production company which focuses on sporting events. One of his major clients is San Miguel. When he heard that I was in filmschool he pitched an idea to them. Why not make a TV show about San Miguel events? And my band, Tribomanila, would host it. We already did a tour for San Miguel last year and we could use the footage from that to supplement the other San Miguel shows. And I, his cousin, would direct it.
The thing is, it didn’t quite fly that way. It was such a rushed job and I was so busy developing my thesis that the show got neglected. We didn’t have proper pre-production and I relied on my cousin’s staff to develop the script and facilitate the shoot. The problem was that they are basically an “events” company. And they didn’t know how to do a TV show. To make a long story short, I had to call in the cavalry. Graduates of the IAFT living in Manila helped me out and we shot the pilot in two days. The editor ended up producing, writing and actually directing it. I flew in at the last minute and acted more like and AD and a producer than a director. It was a mess, but the good news is that it’s in the cutting room. I just pray we get the show. That would mean a steady weekly gig not for just me, but for all of the IAFT graduates that helped out. This could be our ticket in. And when we do get in, we’ll do it Hollywood style.

Hey guys, I'm writing a script now... I was just wondering if anyone can share me some great ideas for my story... Thanks in advance...

If you want ideas you are going to have to provide an outline. If you make a film about a town, if it is not a travelog, it has to have a story to it and an ending. Having a good guy and a bad guy helps. Unless you plan something along the lines of a soap opera.
All secrets are safe with this man, because none are as deadly to him as his own. His secret is that he is Richard Kimble. (The Fugitive - Conspiracy of Silence)