What actor/actress/director would you like to have as your best friend?


I think perhaps Anders Thomas Jensen would be cool to talk with as a friend... as well as Ulrich Thomsen and Mads Mikkelsen... I used to talk to Stobe Harju on his website.... he's a director.. he did music videos in Finland and has his first film directorial debut with "Imaginaerum".

When I saw this I remembered that clip of Michael Wincott seeing Gary Oldman at some awards bash and calling him over: "Hey, it's my buddy! Gary!" in a voice that was much higher-pitched than we're all used to. He's always really good value isn't he?

Michael Shannon seems like a sound bloke from what I've seen of him in interviews. I've only see two of his films in full, Take Shelter and The Iceman, and in both I thought he was excellent.

And I'm quite fond of Emma Stone. She obviously had Andrew Garfield in stitches most of the time, so that can't be bad.

I have to return some videotapes...
Actor: Matt Damon, Hugh Jackman, and Jake Gyllenhaal (All these people seem to have cool values and I for fact now that Jake Gyllenhaal is very spiritual person who can look at life in very different ways which I think is cool)
Actress: Scar Jo, Blake Lively, and Brie Larson (I wouldn't be friends with these three too long )
Director: Christopher Nolan. (We would just talk about film and I would ask him a **** ton of questions about his new projects and try to read his scripts)