Down to Earth (February 16)


This one stars Chris Rock and is a remake of Warren Beatty's Heaven Can Wait which was a remake of Here Comes Mr. Jordan.

There are rumors that the guy whose body Rock has to inhabit is James Gandolfini.

Apparently, Rock co-wrote the script with the brothers (Paul and Chris Weitz) behind American Pie.

The previews don't look all that hot, but I think Chris Rock can be pretty funny.
Beep Beep!

I guess if you find the very thought of a fat, rich, white guy dancing to rap music and acting like, say, Chris Rock, then this would be a hillarious movie

I'll likely be seeing it on video, but I do enjoy Chris Rock quite a bit. He has a special they play on Comedy Central sometimes in Colorado (I believe it's Colorado) - he utterly kills in that special.

Even though I shouldn't, I really crack up when he goes off on a tirade and they end up bleeping something out every 5 seconds - the beeping is funnier than the actual swearing.