Whoa! This is kinda big news for movie fans. I have been watching At The Movies since I was a kid and now after 33 years Disney has decided to mix it up.

Of course Siskel died, and then Ebert got sick, leaving for several months just Roeper and his guest host of the week, which I thought was fine.

Eventually the show settled on Michael Phillips who, in my opinion, was a very bad choice. The guy came off as a pretentious prick, who couldn't help but recommend every independent foreign film he had ever seen. I am guessing this guy's lack of appeal is in part why Disney decided to revamp the show.

The plan now as I see it, is to hip it up with younger faces and fresher attitudes. The new hosts are Ben Lyons, son of film critic Jeffrey Lyons, and Ben Mankiewicz, who hosts Turner Classic Movies.

Well I am defintely intrigued and am hoping for the best.

P.S. I realize I have used the criticism of pretentiousness in more than just this post. I think when discussing art its use will be inevitably prevalent. So gimme a break, because after all we all know that criticizing art is easy, but tis difficult to criticize artfully.