Trying to recall the name of a movie with beautiful scenery


I'm probably just shooting blanks here..
I remember seeing a movie as a child that I loved and have had in mind to this day, mostly because of the beautiful nature scenery in the movie.
The sad part is that I can barely recall what it was about..
All I do remember is that somewhere in the middle/ending of the movie, a man, located at a tropical island, got attacked by a shark.
The natives of the island tried to warn him about the shark, but he couldn't hear their call for some reason.
If my memory haven't failed me, he punched the shark right on the nose and managed to escape unharmed.
Shortly after, he proceeded to tell the natives of the island about the event. He said something like; Sharks can smell fear, therefor you mustn't panic.
This part is about everything I can recall from the movie sadly.
I hope to stumble across it again someday, though I think it's unlikely with this brief description.
The movies production may be anywhere between 1980-2005.
It seemed pretty new back when I saw it, but that was at least 8 years ago, if not more.

Thanks for reading!

That part sounds a lot like it could be from "The Beach (2000)", although a tiny bit different.
Underrated movie in my opinion
(Sorry can't post links)

That is amazing! Just looked it up and it is The Beach!
Thanks alot
After so many years my mind Can finally be at peace.
Going to rewatch it right away

Rewatched it earlier today. Love the scenery in this movie! Do you know any movies like this one, by any chance ?