Movies You Think Everyone Loves?


Top 10 Movies Everybody Loves
  1. Back to the Future (1985)
  2. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
  3. Die Hard (1988)
  4. The Dark Knight (2008)
  5. The Martian (2015)
  6. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
  7. True Romance (1993)
  8. Heat (1995)
  9. The Town (2010)
  10. Gladiator (2000)
This is an OK list, though I think Heat is overrated and I have never even seen The Town.

That list looks fine to me. Not the best movies of all, but definitely a very consensual one. Let's validate it before someone says something
In my own land, I’m in a far domain
Welcomed gladly, and spurned by everyone

First that come to mind is Casablanca, though I know a few people on here who aren't crazy about it (including myself). But then everyone else treats that like blasphemy.
Casablanca is all stile without substance i mean the story is pretty slow and basic but the whole film has iconic image and left a huge impression on cinema history

Mad Max: Fury Road
Jurassic Park
Guardians of the Galaxy
Uncle Buck

I hated Guardians of the Galaxy. I strive to understand how people can suffer this annoying crap.

IMHO, only The First Avenger is a pleasant watch in the whole MCU.