The New Design Thread


I don't think that's necessary. At that point "Quick Reply" would be a total misnomer, and it never worked that way before, anyway. I think there are better uses of time than writing completely new functionality for something which is easily accessible two other ways already.
Oh, I forgot about how rare it is that you work on the website because of your busy schedule.

At least, I think, you should make it so that "Go Advanced" incorporates the multi-quote function, because if I remember correctly, IT DID on the old layout. I didn't think to click the "Reply w/Quote" icon. I don't really like that -- I always use "Go Advanced." And the "Post Reply" button is way at the top. You have to scroll up to go there. That's a lengthy road trip to scroll up -- it could take up to two or three seconds of valuable, never-to-be-returned-to-you time.

Oh, I forgot about how rare it is that you work on the website because of your busy schedule.
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

At least, I think, you should make it so that "Go Advanced" incorporates the multi-quote function, because if I remember correctly, IT DID on the old layout.
It didn't. I checked.

I didn't think to click the "Reply w/Quote" icon. I don't really like that -- I always use "Go Advanced." And the "Post Reply" button is way at the top. You have to scroll up to go there. That's a lengthy road trip to scroll up -- it could take up to two or three seconds of valuable, never-to-be-returned-to-you time.
That sounds like a good reason to add a Post Reply button to the bottom, which I was thinking might be a good idea anyway.

Leave Yoda alone. He's done the multi-quote button, now the rest of the weekend is his own.

That's right, I'm putting my foot down!
5-time MoFo Award winner.

SC uses the Post Reply button at the top when he posts?

I've never used it... I always just use the Quick Reply box at the bottom (one press of the End key on my keypad takes me there straight away) or do that then click Go Advanced if I need to organise a layout that needs Centre Text etc...

That's a thought... Centre Text, Align Left, Align Right... is it possible to have those buttons on the Quick Reply box as well as in Go Advanced?

I need you guys to start posting feature requests and general suggestions in their own threads, or at least in a new thread. This thread is for feedback and questions relating to the new design. It's fine to ask about anything we used to have, to see if it's coming back, but it shouldn't be a catch-all for anything anyone would like to see done. Help me out here a little.

SC uses the Post Reply button at the top when he posts?
No. But when I make replies, I use "Go Advanced" unless I'm replying with a quote.

But a button at the bottom -- a "Post Reply" button -- sounds like a good thing, especially if I'm multi-quoting. I dunno. That's just me.

Or incorporate it into "Go Advanced" when I activate the new multi-quote gizmo.

But, the Post Reply button does the same thing as hitting Go Advanced... it takes you to the reply page.

And Go Advanced is already at the bottom of the page anyway.

You're on about two buttons at the bottom of the page that do the same thing?

I see a Post Reply button at the bottom now, so, he's done that already.

Thank you!

I need you guys to start posting feature requests and general suggestions in their own threads, or at least in a new thread. This thread is for feedback and questions relating to the new design. It's fine to ask about anything we used to have, to see if it's coming back, but it shouldn't be a catch-all for anything anyone would like to see done. Help me out here a little.
Fine but we need a popcorn maker. Jussayin.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

Okay, I've just added the Jump to Page option back to the page navigation on threads, search results, and any other place that uses it. It's the little white arrow to the right of the page numbers. Click it to bring up a field where you can enter any page number in the thread.

Crossed off a few more items on the post-launch to-do list. Mostly just polish-around the edges stuff, like making sure the search bar doesn't close on the home page when Now Playing updates (and doesn't disappear when you click the SEARCH button, even though that's usually just for a half-second before the page reloads). And adding notifications to the site's tab icon, as Skepsis mentioned.

Also, now if you shout from any page other than the first, it loads the first, since that's where it's gonna end up. Before it just slid it into view no matter which page you were on, which didn't really make sense.

I'm probably gonna spend the next couple of weeks just making my way through these kinds of random items, though a handful will be more noticeable. Once I've got the list whittled down a fair bit, I'll start looking at the more ambitious projects, like redoing entire sections and adding completely new functionality.

But for now, my wife's telling me to stop doing this stuff and play some games, so I'm gonna do that.

Put me in your pocket...
Wow! Just popped in and found you remodelled the place Yoda. I had to tell you it looks fabulous!

I'll go take a peek around. Looks like you put alot of blood, sweat and tears into this site. Great job!

my only real complaint with the new design is that i kind of prefer when it told you the time and day of the post, and not just how long ago it was relative to now. it makes stuff like keeping track of deadlines more difficult than it should be, or if i want to see exactly how much time occurred in between two posts or something, and it just requires less thinking overall.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Wow! Just popped in and found you remodelled the place Yoda. I had to tell you it looks fabulous!

I'll go take a peek around. Looks like you put alot of blood, sweat and tears into this site. Great job!
The redesign worked! Good to see you around hon.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

my only real complaint with the new design is that i kind of prefer when it told you the time and day of the post, and not just how long ago it was relative to now. it makes stuff like keeping track of deadlines more difficult than it should be, or if i want to see exactly how much time occurred in between two posts or something, and it just requires less thinking overall.
I might be able to give people a switch for this, or display the raw date and time in a tooltip. How'd that be?