shelley duvall


Well holy crap **** damn.... she looks like hell. I feel sorry for her... unlike I did in The Shining.

But really, wow... talking about falling from grace...

Go back to the previous page of this thread where, in 2013, I posted Enquirer-type stuff about Shelley Duvall and how crazy she acts in her hometown.

It's obviously all true.

Go back to the previous page of this thread where, in 2013, I posted Enquirer-type stuff about Shelley Duvall and how crazy she acts in her hometown.

It's obviously all true.
You should've had a thread like TopsyPop before Topsy.

You should've had a thread like TopsyPop before Topsy.
I don't really care too much about what celebrities do. Despite my username. Some stuff interests me, but a lot isn't important.

I don't really care too much about what celebrities do. Despite my username. Some stuff interests me, but a lot isn't important.
Same. Unless it's something i can make a few decent jokes out of before it gets old or if it is something particularly heinous/shocking i don't really care.

I saw the pics of her now, chilling. Didnt post them cause ....Idk, I honestly felt sorry for her. Watching how theyre going out of their way to show these people is making me turn on Dr Phil and Dr Drew. This stuffs waaaaaay too heavy for public consumption, I dont see the good that can come of it, or how it helps.

They should do a female-centric remake of The Shining (like the female Ghostbusters), only this time, Shelley Duvall is playing the Jack Nicholson role.

They should do a female-centric remake of The Shining (like the female Ghostbusters), only this time, Shelley Duvall is playing the Jack Nicholson role.
Apparently, Cricket auditioned for the role of Danny in The Shining when he was a kid. I say 40 year old Cricket plays 10 year old Danny in this version.

They should do a female-centric remake of The Shining (like the female Ghostbusters), only this time, Shelley Duvall is playing the Jack Nicholson role.

OR she could play the same role as in The Shining, but set in shared universe with the Ghostbusters remake, and Shelley Duvall would play Melissa McCarthy's mother who is quite experienced with killing off ghosts and crazy beings... - though that came with a price and she is now batsh*t insane herself.

Apparently, Cricket auditioned for the role of Danny in The Shining when he was a kid. I say 40 year old Cricket plays 10 year old Danny in this version.
Seriously? Cricket auditioned for The Shining? I never heard that.

Yeah, he said something about his parents telling him that.
He doesn't remember it?

Yeah, he said something about his parents telling him that.
F*ck, I thought you were joking. that's awesome!

He ever auditioned for Kubrick or did he only get to the casting people? Well, you wouldn't know, CRICKET GET IN HERE!

He doesn't remember it?
Well wait for him to answer himslelf, but i'm pretty sure he said he doesn't remember it and he's not sure if his parents were truthful haha.

Hope it's Cricket. With my luck it will turn out it was some random troll that suckered me in.

Well wait for him to answer himslelf, but i'm pretty sure he said he doesn't remember it and he's not sure if his parents were truthful haha.

Hope it's Cricket. With my luck it will turn out it was some random troll that suckered me in.
He mightve been too young for the role if he doesnt remember it. How old was that kid, like 6 or 7?

He mightve been too young for the role if he doesnt remember it. How old was that kid, like 6 or 7?
Cricket would've been about that age. Also, why am i answering these questions before getting Cricket to commission me as his agent?