RIP Ricou Browning (1930 – 2023)


I didn't see this mentioned anywhere here, but the last of the great Universal monster actors just passed away a few days ago. Ricou Browning played the Creature From the Black Lagoon in a trilogy of "Gil-Man" monster movies, and gave us some of the greatest shots in the genre.

Oh, man. I heard about this. The last of the Universal players in their famous monster series of films. Loved the "Creature" films, especially the first. Godspeed, Ricou.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

I'll be damned. I never knew who played the creature. We saw all 3 films in theater when they came out. My buddy and I loved them, and we breathlessly yakked about the creature and various scenes while walking home. As I recall, by the 3rd one the creature was looking a little fakey, but we were genuinely scared in the first one!