movie about brothers who wore iron helmets to fight an army?


Hi guys.
I have seen this movie just once, about 5 years ago but It has stock in my mind and no matter how hard I search on google I cant find its name or any track of it. It would be so kind of you to help me out...

STORY: this movie was about the true story of 3 or more brothers in first days of U.S. history. I don't remember why but the army was going to take all of their lands and properties from them and the other villagers. They decided to fight against the army. They were just about 5 people and the most notable item about them was that they wore IRON PLATES and IRON HELMETS and with this trick they evaded most of the bullets. However they finally died in combat.

Even if you cant find the title, I appreciate any help or conversation. Thank you

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, No. But I remember that this happening was so historical that had a name and a wikipedia page.
Did the army soldiers have red uniforms?

Anything you remember about the brothers?

I cant believe I finally found it by searching "Plate armour" and found the image of the armour in just one picture and then redirected to it.
It's "Ned Kelly" (2003). I'm sorry I have misguided you with the guys being American. It turned out to have happened in Australia. I think I have misinterpreted it because the heath ledger had also played in "Patriot" which happened in America. Thanks by the way

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Ned Kelly is an Australian national hero. There have been many films made about him. And yes, he was a real person and he and his gang did have their own handmade suits of armor that were bullet proof. Eventually they caught Kelly by shooting him in the leg, where his armor didn't cover.