Vr/AI scifi movie blonde girl


I watched a movie where there was a girl, kinda awkward, some kind of hacker. She sees an advert for virtual friends to talk to in a sort of virtual environment, she meets this AI girl who is not very clever kind of ditsy but the hacker girl makes her more intelligent, which is against the law, the AI girl likes the power and asks for more and becomes sentient, they become friends. At one point in the movie they are in a virtual games world, like fortnite or cod, but it's not used by anyone anymore and is abandoned. At another point in the movie the AI girl has to pretend to be normal unmodified around a man who i think is the in inventor of the vr world. At another point the hacker girl has some kind of implant put in her arm, the main actress is a socially awkward computer hacker type character I think she was black, and the AI girl had blonde hair, I believe its a recent movie, any idea?

Registered User
This sounds like a movie I would like to see!

I watched a movie where there was a girl, kinda awkward, some kind of hacker. She sees an advert for virtual friends to talk to in a sort of virtual environment, she meets this AI girl who is not very clever kind of ditsy but the hacker girl makes her more intelligent, which is against the law, the AI girl likes the power and asks for more and becomes sentient, they become friends. At one point in the movie they are in a virtual games world, like fortnite or cod, but it's not used by anyone anymore and is abandoned. At another point in the movie the AI girl has to pretend to be normal unmodified around a man who i think is the in inventor of the vr world. At another point the hacker girl has some kind of implant put in her arm, the main actress is a socially awkward computer hacker type character I think she was black, and the AI girl had blonde hair, I believe its a recent movie, any idea?
Don't worry I was having some kind of break down haha. It was from a TV series called origin episode 5