What kind of value do you mostly watch movies for


What Kind of Value do you mostly watch movies for
8 votes
Entertainment Value
0 votes
Art Value
17 votes
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For me as u all know its the 80s, and its art and entertainment that drives me to watch that era, in all its glory,whether its the music, the soundtracks, the action movies themselves, the thrillers, the horror movies, its of great value

Both, and probably additional factors that I dont care to list right now.

When we talk about artistic value, are we talking about subject matter/content, or the artistry put in the filmmaking such as cinematography, sound, etc?

When I mean by Art Value I mean more like just focusing more it's life lesson or how well it was made and having less entertaining stuff going on in the movie like for example, Shawshank Redemption, good prison movie and showing us the suffering life in prison, but the hype it gets is just insane, nothing really exciting happens well imo anyways.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
For me as u all know its the 80s, and its art and entertainment that drives me to watch that era, in all its glory,whether its the music, the soundtracks, the action movies themselves, the thrillers, the horror movies, its of great value
The 80s was a time of sin. I don’t want you watching any more films from that era - I don’t want you sinning.

Neither. I have to watch a minimum amount per month as part of my parole conditions.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
When we talk about artistic value, are we talking about subject matter/content, or the artistry put in the filmmaking such as cinematography, sound, etc?

When I mean by Art Value I mean more like just focusing more it's life lesson or how well it was made and having less entertaining stuff going on in the movie like for example, Shawshank Redemption, good prison movie and showing us the suffering life in prison, but the hype it gets is just insane, nothing really exciting happens well imo anyways.

I don't remember Shaws hank getting a large amount of buzz.

I don't remember Shaws hank getting a large amount of buzz.
maybe its because I just see it alot online when looking up top movies in the 90s, this movie and along with Fight Club, Forest Gump, Matrix and Pulp Fiction is like on top of alot of people's list.

maybe its because I just see it alot online when looking up top movies in the 90s, this movie and along with Fight Club, Forest Gump, Matrix and Pulp Fiction is like on top of alot of people's list.
Ahh...I'm not so sure of that. Fight Club is big with young guys who wish! Pulp Fiction is always well respected. But Forest Gump and The Matrix get's knocked about a lot these days...though I like both.

I watch movies for cute Japanese girls.
We know you do, Minio.
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