Actors who are known for being funny looking...


It seems in Hollywood you're either gorgeous or repulsive, either way you can become known for it. I think Steve Buscemi is an obvious choice and Renee Zellweger, any other ones?

...uh the post is up there...

"What'd this guy look like, anyway? "

"Oh, he was a little guy... Kinda funny lookin'."

"Uh-huh. In what way?"

"Oh, just in a general kinda way."
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Jim Carey and Robin Williams are naturally comic looking,hence it gets all the easier for them to carry their roles with ease.

Marty Feldman from Young Frankenstein is my choice. His goofy looking eyes made him perfect for that role.

Movie Forums Member
Gary Busey looks like an elbino eskimo

Phillis Diller

Before Plastic Surgery

After extensive surgery

still funny looking
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Why, Mr. Bean of course

Stay with the blanket!
Marty Feldman from Young Frankenstein is my choice. His goofy looking eyes made him perfect for that role.
Exactly my thought after reading the thread's title . His Igor was one of the funniest performances ever .

How about Samuel L. Jackson? He's more scary than funny, though.
The only creative thought one can have in an institution is how to get out.

(Oops, English isn't my first language. Mistakes may occur.)

Happy New Year from Philly!
FilmFreak, here's a thread you will enjoy!

I loved Marty Feldman and Phyllis Diller when I was a kid.

I wonder what her hubby, Fang thought of this outfit.

Another favorite. I would rather be a comic like Carol than any of the beauty queens.
I loved her show and the parodies of old movies and film stars were hilarious and educational for a budding film buff like me.
Louise Vale first woman to play Jane Eyre in the flickers.

Crispin Glover
Gilbert Gottfried
Christopher Walken
Marlon Wayans
Jeremy Piven
Carol Burnett
Lily Tomlin
Chris Farley
Will Sasso
Chris Kattan
Conan O'Brien
Craig Ferguson
Rob Schneider
Richard Pryor
Gene Wilder
Robin Williams
Arnold Shwarzenegger
Danny Devito
Robert Deniro
Joe Pesci

I Am Registered And So Can You!
Crispin Glover
Gilbert Gottfried
Christopher Walken
Marlon Wayans
Jeremy Piven
Carol Burnett
Lily Tomlin
Chris Farley
Will Sasso
Chris Kattan
Conan O'Brien
Craig Ferguson
Rob Schneider
Richard Pryor
Gene Wilder
Robin Williams
Arnold Shwarzenegger
Danny Devito
Robert Deniro
Joe Pesci
I actually don't agree with most of this list, and hardly think that the people on it are known for their "funny looks" (which are hardly funny in my personal opinion).

Crispin Glover-Not funny looking.
Marlon Wayans-a comedian, some find him may have confused that with funny looking? Not funny looking.
Jeremy Piven-This is subjective I guess, but not really funny looking.
Lily Tomlin-Overall I would not say she is funny looking, or famous for being funny looking, but more famous for being funny. And actually, I think she was really pretty when she was younger.
Chris Farley-He wasn't really funny looking, just heavy.
Will Sasso-Not funny looking, just bald.
Chris Kattan-Not funny looking.
Craig Ferguson-Not funny looking.
Richard Pryor-Not funny looking, made funny faces.
Arnold Scharzenegger-Again, I guess this is subjective, but overall I would say he is not funny looking. Maybe famous for his looks, but not because they are comical.
Robert DeNiro-Not funny looking, though, at times, makes funny facial expressions.

Jack Black is fairly normal looking until he starts doing acrobatics with his face...I'm just not sure normal eyebrows are supposed to move that far?!

Tim Curry-Oddly funny looking and strangely attractive at the same time..and quite hilarious to boot!

Jerry Lewis- again with the funny and attractive wierdness...(beginning to think I may have a thing for clowns?)

Lucille Ball- What's up with those eyebrows? they get higher and higher the further she went in her career!

Betty Davis -Nuff said?

Oh i forgot Richard Moll
Herr Zeller: Perhaps those who would warn you that the Anschluss is coming - and it is coming, Captain - perhaps they would get further with you by setting their words to music.
Captain von Trapp: If the Nazis take over Austria, I have no doubt, Herr Zeller, that you will be the entire trumpet section.

Don't torture yourself, Gomez. That's my job.
Heres a few of who came to mind as I was going through my DVD collection.

Rick Moranis

He seems to have been type cast for his odd ball looks. Always seems to play the gawky geeky type.

A couple from Princess Bride

Andre the Giant and Wallace Shawn

Andre the Giant for obvious reasons, and Wallace Shawn seems to be definatly one of those faces people remember but don't remember his name unless its to say "Inconceivable!!"

Jeff Kober

Jeff always seems to get cast in really creepy evil roles which I'm sure had a lot to do with his looks. I've personally never seen him in a "normal" role.

Bill Bailey

Funny and funny looking. Actually is promotes himself using it. Referring to himself as "Part Troll" and he has the nick name "Bilbo".
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"And our credo: "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words."