Movie 90's / 2000's about a completely lost womanizer


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Hi everyone, for many years, I have been trying to find this movie name and sountrack (very rock) but just can't. Here is the description, hope someone finds it:

The movie start scene start with a party with a lot of champagne, with only one man a lot of women in an appartment. Most of the women women are almost naked.

End part of the start scene, a lot of women are jumping on the bed, but gradually fall asleep, and at the end the man is still jumping on the bed, alone.

The main characters of the movie are:
this young man (not so young anymore in his 30's / mid thirties, very wealthy, but so empty inside / lost. He has no friends, and only young women to whom he can't get attached to.
I think he has lost both his parents young and is left with their money.

His neighbor, a little girl (young kid in her 10/13 years old), takes him into affection as she can feel his loneliness and they become best friends. This relationship kind of make him understand how empty and meaningless is his life

His other "friend" is one of the yong women he hangs out with, completely drug addict, almost dies, she gets clean, and there is an affection a bit more meaningful that builds between them. Both are kind of wandering around clueless in life.

At the end of the movie, he thinks he found the love of his life but gets heartbroken. If I am not mistaken, the end scene is him walking with the little girl.

Anybody get the name of this movie please pretty please?