Movie You're Watching Tonight


Story about my mother: The Castrating Zionist
Dancer In The Dark

Lars Von Trier

High expectations
You will not/should not be disappointed. I really enjoyed the musical scenes (mostly because I'm a rabid Bjork fan) they really helped bring out the joy in an otherwise miserable life. Horrifically disturbing film. Felt the same way about Antichrist. Not just disturbing images/scenes, but something gets into you, wiggles around in your brain. Difficult movies to shake.

Story about my mother: The Castrating Zionist

Two Women - Tahmineh Milani
Thus begins my dive into Iranian cinema. I also checked out The Cycle and another I can't remember the title of right now. A Story of Love or something like that. Every Iranian movie I've seen (total of 3) has floored me both with their visual style and direct, emotional plots. America would be wise to learn from a country so reviled by our leaders.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
After spending the last three hours in the gym, I don't think that I actually have enough energy to play a game, so I'll probably be watching a movie. Meet Joe Black is a movie that I have been stalking for the better part of a year, but I don't know if I'll actually get around to watching it.

Story about my mother: The Castrating Zionist

Going to Downtown West theater to see this (finally).
I really can't stress enough that Jacques Audiard will be this generation's Claude Chabrol working in a very emotional form of realism. Melodrama of everyday life.

I found a copy of Legend of Boggy Creek today, I heard it was pretty good. Its supposedly based on a true story about a Sasquatch.

Story about my mother: The Castrating Zionist
Two Women turned out to be a let down. The color and some of the shots are interesting, for instance, there's a tracking shot of a construction site that looks quite impressive, but the dialogue is corny.

Rust and Bone was great. I don't know what else to say. Engaging life drama, the kind you would watch on Lifetime scenario-wise, but filled with stunning frames. Whoever the DP or Cinematographer is, they deserve an award.

For Tonight: The Cycle (Dayereh Mina, 1976)

Wimbledon with Paul Bettany and Kirsten Dunst only because I'm watching the Australian Open.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I knocked out The Rum Diary and Hostel 3, now, I am thinking about knocking out at least Adventureland, Saw V, Misery, American Psychos or Secret Window.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
After watching Edward Scissorhands, I'm aching for more simplistic filler movie to encumber this day, I've thought about Armageddon and Godzilla 2000, but I might also take a leap of faith and watching The Sixth Sense. They're all on YouTube for free, so I'll probably end up watching them all eventually anyway.

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
I am going to watch Citadel at some point today and maybe Seal Team Six:The Raid on Osama Bin Ladin. I watched Zero Dark Thirty yesterday and it got me started, kinda want to watch the other one to see how they mesh.
You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

Going to try to catch Mama.... I love Del Torro but not sure about this one....

^ He has only produced Mama. Can go either way, he has produced some amazing films but also some films that are nothing special(Don't Be Afraid of the Dark).

Hope it's good, it's one I'm looking forwards to since it stars Jessica Chastain.

Good point on DBAotD. I loved the original actually and wasn't as put off by this one but it certainly was a let down.