What is your favorite YouTube video?


Yeah, I don't get this at all. I know loads of people think it's brilliant, one of the best videos of all time, etc, but the song's **** and so is the video. And it's the director's cut?!?! 10 minutes? I think this lady sums it up nicely.


Does anyone recognize one of the movie clips in this video with the guys dancing in the street by a car. It looks like the 80's

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
This kills me. I told my wife if she hassles me, I'm doing this at the next wedding we attend...

Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

You need a hobby mate!

So do you, Mr. Drinkin', Dancin', Handcuffed, Have to Report to Court Crazy Guy.

lol! Maybe when you have a partner...I realise that's a stretch, but, I'll say it nonetheless! Your new partner may involve you in that.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Women Know Your Limits!

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Bane Outtakes from TDKR.



This is what Dragon Ball Evolution SHOULD have been, had they had any sense or knowledge or gave a damn about the actual series. lol

If these guys can do this with their own personal budgets, imagine what a Hollywood budget would accomplish!