No, Starship Troopers Is Not Brilliant Satire


That’s a pretty glib response.
You could post this after any response of mine to a post that doesn't shower my brilliance with praise and adulation.

Lol. That actually made me chuckle. I’ll have to remember that one. I always thought of Crumbs as his Batman to his Joker, co side ring how often they go at it
Crummy is Commisioner Gordon.

The trick is not minding
You could post this after any response of mine to a post that doesn't shower my brilliance with praise and adulation.
Where would the fun be in that? Gotta keep you grounded, less you become some evil genius bent on world domination. If by world domination one means proving to the world of Starship Troopers brilliant use of satire, that is.

MKS. Convincing the world at large of Starship Troopers brilliance….one phillistine at a time.

Ah! It was so obvious! The comparison was staring me in the face the whole time!
Yes! That's the stuff. Adulate me and my correctness. Spike it straight into my veins.

Can Corax hold the needle?

Holding the needle or throwing the switch, I'm there. Any last words?

Holding the needle or throwing the switch, I'm there. Any last words?
The only good bug... is a dead bug.

The only good bug... is a dead bug.
Fine. You've just been promoted. You're it until you're dead or I find someone better.

Strangely, we have conserved the notion of "bugginess" in the image of the Nazi. Avowed or alleged, implicit or explicit, actual or apparent, the Nazi is the "bug" that we can always punch, kick, or kill. The cure contains the disease.

Removed a few posts. I'm all for banter, but you guys have a few places for that already. Let's keep this thread focused on discussion.
Is there something up with our banter, chaps?

Starship Troopers is already a classic. For example, when I was watching an anime show that is basically a high school romantic comedy, the ending of the third season is an explicit reference to the movie:

Usually, when Japanese media makes reference to American science fiction is absolutely classic stuff like Star Wars (the original trilogy), Blade Runner, and 2001: A Space Odyssey.


A big thanks for posting that intuitive and fascinating article on Starship Troopers. I agree with the article too, that what once seemed impossible is now seeming very possible with the rise of fascist behavior, coupled with the mind numbing conspiracy theorist who deny anything that strengthens their own world view.

I wrote this some time back on this thread:
If such a film [like Starship Troopers] was made [today] it would be ground breaking and take a lot of guts too, as it would be instantly misunderstood and demonized. It would also be an important film because while we've seen in movies about the Holocaust and the evils of Nazis, we've never seen how they could seduce and control a nation through propaganda...and do it so well.

There is one film however that shows us from the inside, what it would be like to live as an average person under a powerful fascist society where all media was controlled and manipulated by that fascist government. A government who uses ultra patriotism, citizenship rewards and sound bite-infomercials that tells the people what to think. That film is Starship Troopers...

Starship Troopers is all about the power of propaganda, it's the only film I'm aware of that uses propaganda on so many levels including the very narrative of the film itself. Everything you hear in the film is a lie told from the fascist government's point of view. That's why when it first came out most everyone misunderstood it. Film critics called Verhoeven a Nazi supporter, when he was actually making a film about the dangers of propaganda & fascism by tricking the viewer into believing the films story line. Other's called it mindless entertainment, not realizing that the audience is an experiment in just how readily people can cheer for the fascist (and almost everyone cheered for the fascist). It's only very recently that people have started to realize that the [fascist] humans were the bad guys...

Y'all are going to be sooo disappointed when it turns out Verhoven was just a fascist when his private diaries and letters are released.

Journal 1. Entry 27. Showgirls was TOTALLY serious, but the only people who liked it thought it was a satire! I'll show them! I'll make a serious movie about Nazis and get them to cheer for my private fascism!

Y'all are going to be sooo disappointed when it turns out Verhoven was just a fascist when his private diaries and letters are released.

Journal 1. Entry 27. Showgirls was TOTALLY serious, but the only people who liked it thought it was a satire! I'll show them! I'll make a serious movie about Nazis and get them to cheer for my private fascism!
Verhoeven ACTUALLY drives an SUX-9000?!?