Possible intro of some animated tv show...


For some reason from always, I believe that I know where this intro belongs...

The Intro goes something like this:
The Cat (or something else) escapes from some scientist's lab and began changing - shape shift. The armed people (possible guards) start to hunt it. They catch it for a second with lights of reflectors or it was maybe a chopper reflector, but the thing escape lights.
The ''thing'' comes to a big fence I think.
The guards come with dogs and the dogs catch it... but the final scene shows that they don't catch it and that the ''thing'' shape shifts into a dog with glowing eyes.
The whole intro is full of scenes I can't all remember and it goes pretty quick!

It is the intro of some animated tv show I am 1000% sure! I must watch it in the '90s...
All my life I believe it's Garfield's intro... just don't know why.
But when I today decide to see it again... I discover that it doesn't belong to any Garfield show.

Can anyone recognize this intro?

I mainline Windex and horse tranquilizer
You're right - it's Garfield-related.

It first pops up in this book of short stories:


Basically it was Jim Davis stretching his literary legs a bit. There's an animated version, which is what you're describing. Here's the "Lab Animal" section:

A hundred percent death proof.

Tomato Necromancy - now with Vitamin R!

You're right - it's Garfield-related.

It first pops up in this book of short stories:


Basically, it was Jim Davis stretching his literary legs a bit. There's an animated version, which is what you're describing. Here's the "Lab Animal" section:

I could swear it was the intro 😂
And remember it to be a bit different 😋
But that's it, thank you a lot!