Soul (Pixar)


I love Pixar, and this looks like it could be amazing. And we get Docter has director too!

Wow! When they promoted Docter, it was bittersweet, because I assumed it would mean all Pixar films got a little better, but that we wouldn't get ones from just him any more, or at least would get fewer. Great news!

I'll watch it because it's Pixar, but both this trailer and the trailers for Onward have left me underwhelmed.

Though I disagree with the assessment that The Good Dinosaur is their worst. It at least had really gorgeous animation for the scenery. I'd give the title of worst to Brave.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
I'll watch it because it's Pixar, but both this trailer and the trailers for Onward have left me underwhelmed.

Though I disagree with the assessment that The Good Dinosaur is their worst. It at least had really gorgeous animation for the scenery. I'd give the title of worst to Brave.
Oh no, I forgot all about Brave. Agreed.

So, eh, yeah, trailer doesn’t look too great, but I do trust Pete Docter as a fantastic Pixar director.

Registered User
Yeah its kinda underwhelming just watching from the trailer but maybe I'll try and watch it if it is really is.

I just don't feel connected with these new blob-kind characters. I'm still going to see the film though.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Skipping theatres and coming to Disney+.

Don't hear anything about extra $$$ to view it either.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Oh wow! That's incredible news. Obviously since Up (and Inside Out, which is the lesser film but still really lovely) I'm into anything Pete Docter has a significant hand in, so it's great that it'll be so easy to see this. Especially since these types of films don't lose as much in the home theater experience relative to some big budget affairs.

I got news that my family is expecting a new member so the Great Before stuff really struck a chord with me.

Yeah, it's Pete Docter so you know it's gonna be good. That's actually why I haven't watched it yet: I know it's gonna wreck me. So I'm saving it a bit.

Save our Soul.

I thought it was pretty cute and I liked it more than Onward, but it didn't move me the way I hoped it would. I'll definitely watch it again though and I'm hoping it will grow on me.