Movie You're Watching Tonight


Inside Man with Denzel Washington.
"When fortune smiles on something as violent and ugly as revenge, it seems proof like no other, that not only does God exist, you're doing His will." ~ The Bride

I plan to watch the Green book tonight.
My Favorite Films

Tonight I'll be throwing in "Saving Private Ryan" and giving the new 4K release a viewing. It'll be interesting to see if this film can out perform the blu-ray in terms of quality because so many 4K releases have actually not been better than the traditional blu-ray. Looking forward to tonight!
Official Member: Online Film Critics Society 🎬

Official Member: National Association of Film Critics 🎞️

IMDb Sponsored & Affiliated Film Critic.

I am probably going to watch Vice or Roma, depending on the amount of alcohol that is in me!

Philosophy of a Knife & now you’re gonna watch this both in one day. You must have a strong stomach.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Philosophy of a Knife & now you’re gonna watch this both in one day. You must have a strong stomach.
I watched Philosophy of a Knife over 3 nights. Saw comes after spaghetti dinner

Philosophy of a Knife & now you’re gonna watch this both in one day. You must have a strong stomach.
I haven't seen Philosophy of a Knife myself but I have a feeling that Saw won't be testing anyone's stomach after that