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I'd definitely recommend seeing it. I didn't find it scary at all which was a disappointment and its nowhere near as good as the original. Still go see it though and let me know what you think.
thank you and of course the original always the best and i will , i will wait when it goes in HD on the movie app that i watch online

Christopher Robin (2018)

Enjoyable romp through the A.A Milne books and creatively done. The live action and CGI is done well enough, lacked a wee bit "heart" and invention. Still enjoyable 6/10.

Juliet, Naked (2018).

Not bad, not rom-com comedy about a retired music star and a fans obsession. Was very funny in parts.I don't mind Nick Hornbys stuff but it is very one dimensional 5/10.

Snooze factor rating = Zzz

Snooze factor rating = Z

[Snooze Factor Ratings]:
Z = didn't nod off at all
Zz = nearly nodded off but managed to stay alert
Zzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed
Zzzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed but nodded off again at the same point and therefore needed to go back a number of times before I got through it...
Zzzzz = nodded off and missed some or the rest of the film but was not interested enough to go back over it

The Killing of a Chinese Bookie (1976)

Some movies from director John Cassavetes can be a chore to sit through, but there's always something I like about them. This one had more of a plot than I expected, and it was a plot that suited my taste. Ben Gazzara is so brilliant in this, and the supporting cast is right up there. The 70's mood and atmosphere is on full display, and the little details are all just right. It feels a little disjointed in some ways, but in other ways it feels perfect. I watched the director's cut, which is shorter. I'd like to see the theatrical cut as well.

A little late bois 🎃

212 555 6342
Pierce & Pierce: Mergers and Acquisitions
Patrick Bateman
Vice President
358 Exchange Place New York, N.Y. 10099 FAX 212 555 6390 TELEX : () 4534

John Wick 2. its not just a car, its John Wick's car.

The Trial (1962, Orson Welles)

Technically, this is a magnificent film. The cinematography/shot composition, mise-en-scène, lighting, editing, acting, and of course Orson Welles' direction are all top notch. So many extraordinary shots worthy of being framed and hung in an art gallery - but still, I did not enjoy it nearly as much as I had hoped to. I felt it was too long, too cold, too claustrophobic, too relentless in its assault on the senses. It felt more like an exercise in form than anything else, while I was expecting a somewhat different approach. Sure, it's Kafka, and it's supposed to be all those things - well, I guess it's just not my cup of tea, then. Welles' style is impressive, no doubt, but time and time again I feel that it oppresses and overwhelms me more than it enlightens me.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
The disaster artist

James Franco is unrecognisable. He becomes Tommy. Not sure if it was intended but it’s not a straight comedy. It’s more a casual glimpse at something that happened that is very bizarre. That is - The life of Tommy and his friend when they decided to become actors and later make The Room.

Some very funny moments sprinkled throughout. Not sure if anyone else noticed but Tommy explained that he was in a car crash early on in the film. For a good portion of the film I thought maybe he had an acquired brain injury. That sort of dulled the comedy and I stopped laughing at Tommy. Plus Franco plays it so well it’s hard to keep laughing at the guy, he’s no doubt a massive weirdo but a sympathetic one.

Worth watching for a bit of a laugh, for some good acting by Franco and a bit of Hollywood history.


1st re-watch...quirky, imaginative, disturbing, brilliantly directed and acted and I still challenge Will Ferrell haters to watch this movie and tell me he can't act.

Excellent movie. Very New York City.

Re-watch. Excellent movie.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Tango and Cash (1989)

Welcome to the human race...
A Star is Born (2018) -

wonder what material Dave Chappelle's going to get out of being in this movie
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0