Movie You're Watching Tonight


As soon as I get home:

A necklace for my beloved - Samkauli satrposatvis (Tengiz Abuladze, 1971)

This will be my third viewing of this director, the previous two being solid
s. If this one succeeds then maybe I should start considering that this guy is f*cking amazing.

I am watching the Zero Hour! (1957)

Airplane! (1980) is one of my favourite movies. I didn't know that it is a parody of an existing movie. I am not expecting a funny movie per se, though I am curious to see the original movie through the eyes of a "comedian" (having seen how every situation in the movie can be turned into a comedy).

For the 14th Hall of Fame

Night on Earth (1991)

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand