New Trailers Here!


You can't win an argument just by being right!
Mountain. Stunning, but vertigo warning for those afflicted

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Wow MM. Stunning trailers!

Wow MM. Stunning trailers!
Yeah, I'm looking forward to both. Especially Seven Sisters. I just hope Noomi can pull this off.

The Passing

Before you ask, I've come up with a system for you, @Dani8

From now on all horror related trailers will come with the following ratings. D=acceptable for Dani (few possible scares). D+=absolutely safe for Dani (very little to no scares). D-=has potential to mentally scar Dani.

Consider this trailer a D. (let me know if I should change it. I'm serious about this)

You can't win an argument just by being right!
LOL MM. I only get spooked before dawn but I salute your rating. Thank you very much my friend.

That looks really good, MM!

Kong: Skull Island - Rise of the King [Official Final Trailer]

It's been reported that the pre-screenings for this film have been atrocious.

They say It's less like "La La Land," and more like "Annie."