I love you, Unregistered


That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Someone here knew about me in 2002?
I knew you since before you were born; since before the invention of time; since before the moon and earth fell towards each other as dust from beyond the heavens; and since before the dawn on this great universe, and the last. You were known to me then, and then again, and again, tomorrow still. For when I see you, I see me. And I know me.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
It was your destiny to come here, mattiasflgrtll6. We have long awaited your arrival.

...your arrival.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
Search your feelings, you know it to be true...
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
I knew you since before you were born; since before the invention of time; since before the moon and earth fell towards each other as dust from beyond the heavens; and since before the dawn on this great universe, and the last. You were known to me then, and then again, and again, tomorrow still. For when I see you, I see me. And I know me.

Registered User
Ahahah - LOL

Why, this is an OUTRAGE!!!! Equating that lowly Trump to me???!!! Why I oughta . . . .

I love you, PeterGriffinIsBoss !!!!!

You will marry me, won't you?
Sure thing dude
But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it.

I'm a little freaked out by this...
The older I get, the more I understand Michael Douglas' character in "Falling Down"

Chief cook and bottlewasher
I'm a little freaked out by this...
You're freaked out?

How do you think I feel!!!!
Yes, it is your circus and these are your monkeys.

Registered User
Do you love me NOW?

This thread may never die. Never.
It'll outlive us all. We'll all be dead and buried, and naive movie fans will continuously be trolled by Sexy Celebrity. We won the internet.
A man's got to know his limitations.