Movie You're Watching Tonight


Submarine! great soundtrack!

Toke, have you seen the Lone Wolf & Cub films? If not, and you like Shogun Assassin, take a look at them. Shogun Assassin is an edited version of the first two films in the series.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Shogun Assassin is pretty great, one of my friends favourite film. I've been meaning to watch the Lone Wolf & Cub films myself. I actually think it was you who told me about them HK.

Master of My Domain
Felt like rewatching an old favorite (in fact, I haven't rewatched a film in... about two months, if you exclude the 10 minute recaps I do for review writing).

Memories of Murder

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Just got ID4 from so sittin back watching Aliens Attack!!!