MovieMeditation’s Diary Reviews // “Come and meditate with me!”

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Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Can't Take It With You is a fun lil chaotic romp. I rather enjoyed the way the family embraced the craziness of their household.

Didn't read the storm movie since I haven't seen it

and yes, Daredevil is bad. VERY bad.

Can't Take It With You is a fun lil chaotic romp. I rather enjoyed the way the family embraced the craziness of their household.

Didn't read the storm movie since I haven't seen it

and yes, Daredevil is bad. VERY bad.
Glad to see you check in, edarsenal, I always love your comments!

Glad you enjoyed the reads, I recommend you check out "the storm movie".

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
I've not seen Daredevil in many, many years. While it certainly isn't a good film I remember getting a bit of enjoyment out of it, though that may be because superhero films were still a bit of a novelty back then. Now though with so many great ones having been released I don't imagine it would offer much at all

Have you seen any of the Netflix show MM? It's a completely different beast

C'mon, Colin Farrell is one popcorn alone. Straight up!
Colin Farrell is badass as Bullseye and yes it's probably the only good thing about the movie.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

I've not seen Daredevil in many, many years. While it certainly isn't a good film I remember getting a bit of enjoyment out of it, though that may be because superhero films were still a bit of a novelty back then. Now though with so many great ones having been released I don't imagine it would offer much at all

Have you seen any of the Netflix show MM? It's a completely different beast
I have yet to see the series, but I really want to!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Glad to see you check in, edarsenal, I always love your comments!

Glad you enjoyed the reads, I recommend you check out "the storm movie".
I know, I had a brain fart when I started typing my comment. . . "dammit, wait, what was that movie?. . . something about a storm. . .um, screw it,"

MovieMeditation presents...
total movie count ........... viewing day count
223 .......................... 255


September 12th

—— 1948 ——
Letter from an
Unknown Woman

—— drama ——

tragic... beautiful... tragic...

This review contains spoilers
This film somehow found a special place in my heart, surprising me with a very delicate and honest depiction of love from every angle imaginable. I really wasn’t ready for a film from that time and with that title to be so drained of sentimentality and happy endings. This story is heartbrokenly haunting; but broken hearts appear to have an amazingly unfragmented way of unfolding and presenting such complex and confused emotions. This is a true tragedy told boldly and beautifully, which left me completely lost in those who was longing for love and looking to be noticed…

If you have ever been in love, whether happily fulfilled or sadly faded away, you would know more than just minor details of how the main character in this film really feels. Once in love, you can become overly obsessed with even the smallest of things; you seek out the absolute attention of someone special and you slowly but surely become furiously frustrated if things don’t go as planned. Suddenly you may give up, only to find yourself in situations where you realize how strongly you still fight for something that might not even be there to begin with. The journey of the main character is moving and masterfully told, in which the audience walk right behind her every step, watching her stumble, finding her footing, only to fatally fall in the end of it. I love the way in which the story is separated into small significant sections, where Lisa discovers her love, searches for his recognition, gives up hope, finds her hope again, finally succeeds, looses his recognition, looses hope, gives up her love. This is a fascinating character arc, which really feels followed through with and meticulously measured, all the way to the bitter end.

And once we do reach the evident end – which also happens to be the end of the letter written by Lisa and working as the very narrative of the entire film – everything suddenly comes together as one singular piece of painfully honest emotions on love and life in general. The letter leaves nothing to chance, reveals nothing can change all the while laying out every detail and depicting every moment of her past… their past. We see her past love, Stefan, while Lisa’s letter is gradually explaining and examining the inner conflicts and outer journey she had for the love of someone who never truly loved her back. What she remembers as the best day of her entire life turns out to be just another day with just another girl for him, and while she remembers every detail he can’t even remember a single thing about her. The conclusion is like an honest and heartbroken revenge story, in which her sorrows and sadness forces him to finally realize his mistakes, but while on her death bed it is ultimately a turnaround too late… a life lost that could have been, a love life that should have been, but with a man that should have known but never did… who knew that a letter from an unknown woman would be so frightfully and fatally familiar?


MovieMeditation presents...
total movie count ........... viewing day count
224 .......................... 257


September 14th

—— 2015 ——

—— Cinema Review ——

It is not about how close you are to the top
but how far you are from the bottom

"...'Everest' is not just the name of the peak where the film takes place, but it also reflects on the straightforwardness and pure simplicity from which the film creates its momentum – whether that means something good or bad. There is nothing new under the sun when it comes to the story-related structure of 'Everest', but in return the film stands in a whole new light once the darkness has settled on the sloping lands. Unfortunately, it takes a while before we get to see the visual response to the title of this film. It is a pity that the story doesn’t peak until very late into the film, which means we have to settle with slow-building and snow-wielding mediocracy for most of the movie. I really wish the story would have spent its time better, especially since a survival story about true events on a deadly mountain provides plenty of opportunities for excitement and empathy – mainly because of the inspiration and localization of the film.

But as it is often the case with movies based on true events, the people behind frequently struggle to get a foothold in the story and deliver their story in the most appropriate way. In most cases, these so-called "event films" simply takes too long before we arrive at the actual event and never have enough stuff to say leading up to it. Obviously, all this depends on whether they wish to assign a lot of respect and honor to the real people who inspired the film or whether they want to make a film of pure fiction filled to the brim with action and excitement. Some stories are better off being a bit more of one than the other, while there are some movies that function the best when there is some sort of balance between the two..."


MovieMeditation presents...
total movie count ........... viewing day count
225 .......................... 259


September 16th

—— 1968 ——

—— horror ——

"They are coming to get you, Barbra...
there's one of them now!"

There will be spoilers in the last paragraph
It feels like it took me an entire lifetime to finally watch this film and I have put it off for a painfully long time; mainly because it seemed to be an extremely low budget and laughable zombie flick, which merely had its fame because of the fortune of later genre flicks that this one laid ground to. But I can promise you, even tough my expectations were put to rest, my excitement quickly rose up from a flat-lined state to full-blown fearsome fun! I judged this movie masterpiece before I knew that the very same movie masterpiece was actually judging me right back. Well, at least the society was put to the test amongst the unrest in this film, holding a strong social commentary and ending with a strong commanding impact that completely shook me and took me by major surprise…

It has been a long time since my perception of something changed as quickly as it did with ‘Night of the Living Dead’, but changed it certainly did. What worried me during the beginning ended up proving just how wrong I was later on, and once I saw things in retrospect and realized how dumb I had been, it also made me see things in a completely different way. But all this changed for me rather late in the movie, because though I found it exciting enough on its own, it wasn’t until the television broadcasts came that I started to see something socially important and sharply significant within the period of which this film was made. There was so much going on when this film was made and released, both politically and ethically, and with the casting of a black man and watching him carry out violence and vengeance in a dominating and demanding role must have left audiences restless in the cinema seats. I read somewhere that the casting of a black man was without decisive social or moral intentions, but whether meant to mess with our minds and body or not, we still eat it all up by the end of it. At least I did.

And even despite of wanting to depart from details that will ultimately spill the guts for this film, I simply cannot capture the life in this picture or the life within me, without talking and walking you through the terrifying ending that evidently enforced this terrific cinematic experience even further. Once all hell breaks loose and the main characters start to die, while the walking dead die all over again, I was a little surprised though happy to see the black man still fighting his way through hell on earth, alive and well. He survives the night of the living dead and starts to hear what is probably the police or something along those lines coming to the rescue up stairs. He walks up the stairs, looks out the window and all of a sudden he falls dead to the ground from a bullet to the brain; a bullet fired by the many white men outside, mistaking him for a remaining zombie. The parallels to the time, place and historical significance is obvious whether intended or not and the very impact of it is unmistakably obvious – even more so, once Ben’s dead body ends up being burned on a bonfire together with the fallen zombies… and looking at that closing montage completely out of context, a horror zombie movie is definitely not the first thing that comes to mind… a living nightmare of terrifying realities, realized inside a little low budget zombie flick. Now that’s powerful...


MovieMeditation presents...
total movie count ........... viewing day count
226 .......................... 260


September 17th

—— 2014 ——
—— drama ——

It's never too late
to make a U-turn

I was sitting in anxious anticipation once I pressed play and prepared myself for a trip down memory lane on a boulevard of broken hearts. The movie 'Boulevard' had the potential to be a minor memorial masterpiece for Robin Williams' dramatic force, even though I questioned whether or not it would come that far. But I have always loved and admired Robin when he turns to more downplayed drama, since he seems to show a humane and honest personality beyond his acting – a personality that almost pierce you for being too authentic to be acting alone. Whatever the case might be, I was very much looking forward to watching Mr. Williams in a final and hopefully fantastic performance...

Unfortunately, this movie is a forgettable failure, which I definitely don’t want to remember the iconic actor by – especially considering how heavy-handed the subject matter appears and how uneven the approach is. Robin Williams fits the bill alright, but only so he can cash a paycheck with it. His role in the movie is so terribly typecast that it is almost torturous to watch and in a way it almost feels like an insult to the talents of Mr. Williams. It makes me both angry and sad to see Robin in a role where he feels so used and humiliated, which may be the point of his character, but not for the actor. I don’t know if I even make sense here, but seeing how the film doesn't give its actors much to work with, it ends up being an irritatingly dull and dragged out lullaby talking its own miserable self to sleep.

In the story we meet Robin's character; a man who is living a monotonous and repetitive life, only to suddenly take a turn that will change his life forever. But my problem with this simple set-up is that the story is never actually set-up. We skip way too easily over the character's motivations to change and past concerns about wanting to change, which makes the eventual change seem odd and out of place. I guess you could make out some kind of reasoning for wanting to change – boring job, boring wife, boring life – but you never see him consider leaving what he already has. We get a glimpse of his daily routine, but there is no build up or visual representation of a man thinking and worrying about his life. He simply goes out and does it, from one day to the other… just like that.

And what he eventually seeks out is a secretive and very personal thing, which you may want to keep to yourself in real life, but in a movie it won’t work properly if you don’t introduce and develop it properly. There are two ways to accomplish this; either it has to gradually evolve from the very beginning or it has to be delivered directly and in a daring and confident way. But ‘Boulevard’ is an empty road that takes you nowhere. It doesn’t drive towards anything new and exciting and it doesn't really evolve or follow through with its plot or characters. It mainly works as this weird mid-ground of a movie – one of those small independent movies, which you pass for a movie but praise for very little. It is an empty and predictable affair and though Williams is good he mostly delivers a performance on autopilot, which is as good as you can make it out of his paper-thin and pathetic character. This U-turn was definitely more of a step back than a throwback, unfortunately, and what could have been a trip down memory lane ultimately became a tripping down the mediocre same-same. What a shame.


What is this crap! I've never heard of that film!

I want a Visit review!

Master of My Domain
Night of the Living Dead is a cool flick. Nice review.

There have been other films that waste Robin William's talent, but Boulevard sounds like crap.
Letterboxd Profile:

Night of the Living Dead is a cool flick. Nice review.

There have been other films that waste Robin William's talent, but Boulevard sounds like crap.
And this is just his last live action peformance.

His last actual peformance is as the voice of a dog in a stupid idiotic comedy...