The MoFo Voice Thread


Master of My Domain
I will reveal my voice if Camo and JD does it first.

EDIT- Can someone PM to me what JayDee originally said? Yoda wanted to keep things PG13 but really sometimes I don't think it's working.

Registered User
I've embarrassed myself enough times with podcasts around here, so why not?
That wasn't bad

Registered User
Fine I'll contribute:

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
I've embarrassed myself enough times with podcasts around here, so why not?
For some reason the way you set that up made me picture you as Wheezy from Toy Story 2.

"I think I feel a song coming on"

I want to do this but I really have no idea what to say. So... ummm... next person to tell me what to say?

This could be fun.