Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Chappie doesn't like the real world
The Rover (2014 David Michôd)

The Rover starts off 10 years after "the collapse". You're not given any information and you're just thrown into the world as it is. Three men steal a car belonging to a very determined to get it back Guy Pearce.

Who he is and why he is is a very slow reveal. In fact it's near the end before we learn much about (Eric) at all, but it's the only way the movie would have worked at all.

It's a movie with minimal dialogue, hardly any expository dialogue (thank god) and a bare boned plot. Eric wants his car back and there is not much more to it. However, the movie has a lot to say; you're just going to have to think for yourself.

By happenstance Eric runs into Rey, a brother of one of the car thieves, who was injured and left behind. Eric takes Rey along, first unwillingly then the two become something almost akin to partners.

Robert Patterson plays Rey. I've only seen him in Harry Potter and pieces parts of the Twilight movies but he did his role justice. If he overdoes it a little it may just be in comparison to Pearce's stony silent intenseness. Rey is stark contrast to everything around him. The dry dead landscape and the hardened people around him. He seems like the only thing left in the world truly alive.

The Rover puts me in mind of movies like No Country For Old Men and Ain't Them Bodies Saints? (except the latter fails where the other two succeed.) It's an interesting movie with two well- acted interesting leads. I give it a B.

Godzilla (2014 Gareth Edwards)

Way to take the fun out of Godzilla. It's too serious to be any fun and not good enough to be taken seriously. I was really disappointed. I love Monsters and was really looking forward to what Edwards would bring to Godzilla. By the time the overly long and unnecessarily sentimental beginning was over and it was monster time the joy was already zapped.

I got really tired of the oh-so-many stunned close-ups as well. After the monster reveal that's just overkill.

It wasn't all bad, but this isn't the Godzilla I wanted and I like Edwards doing more serious social commentary creature feature a la Monsters. C -

I rate Godzilla the same. Your opening line says it perfectly and can be applied to an awful lot of blockbusters.

I am looking forward to The Rover. How did you see it? I did not think it was on VOD yet, am I mistaken?

Glad to see you hanging around here rating movies godoggo, keep 'em coming, I like to hear your thoughts.

I've wanted to see The Rover since I read an article on it in Film Comment. Still haven't gotten to it though. Glad to hear it's good.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Thank you, Seanc. Saturday night is now officially movie night and I'm going to watch other stuff besides all the challenge and tournament stuff.

I really thought Godzilla might be different, but I was sorely disappointed. I think I would have faired better with Snow Shark which is what I almost picked. I hate the whole "give them a sad sorry to make them care" kind of lazy character development. I don't even need character development in a creature feature, necessarily. If you're going to have characters
that you want us to care about then make it good like it was in Monsters. If not, then don't worry about it and waste a bunch of time. Just show me Godzilla smashing and fighting and make it fun. Nothing wrong with that.

I highly recommend, The Rover. I think it was even better than Animal Kingdo
. Maybe. I'd have it watch it again. Pearce was on top form.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Yeah, like you'd get rid of a woman who was prepared to touch you.
You'd love the abuse
Damn, woman, don't ya dare disturbing my movie watching. On second thought... OH HO HOH OH KINKY!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

november man - 3 stars

If I Stay (2014)

A beautifully melancholic wonderful story of love, life and death. I had to hold back the tears at times and at others I just didn't even try, very much up there with "The Fault in our Stars". The only reason Stars wins is I saw it before If I Stay.

My rating: 9/10
twitter: @ginock
livejournal film reviews: http://windsoc.livejournal.com/
photos: http://www.instagram.com/christopherwindsor

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I think you picked my double feature for the day. I have had Animal Kingdom on the DVR for probably a year.
There ya go! That will be one hell of a double feature. I'm really curious to know your thoughts on it. And Swan's too when he gets around to it.

My rating of it may come up. I've decided that I may initial get too excited about a movie and rate it a bit too high, so I went with my lowest possible rating of it.

Watch this one late last night because everyone ignored my request for a Cuckoo's Nest commentary. Felt like something light hearted and remembered some of the chatter around this one when it popped up on the 70's list. I enjoyed it as it was exactly what I wanted to end my day with last night. Nothing life altering. I can see how some could be very attached to a movie like this. It would definitely give you a strong sense of nostalgia if you watch it at a certain point in your life.

A Taste of Honey (1961)

This is basically a coming of age movie about a teen girl in England. I thought it lacked the big dramatic punch to make it great like The 400 Blows, but the acting and dialogue seemed very natural to me. I thoroughly enjoyed it. From the top 100 British films list.

The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

This had me lost for a while, but it really clicked once it all came together for me. It builds tension slowly until a thrilling conclusion. The remake left no impression on me, but this was a terrific movie with a terrific cast.

As Above, So Below (2014)

- Ok first the storyline of this movie is seriously one of the best and the most complete i've seen in a horror movie recently but sadly it is not very scary I was expected a little bit more of this movie because of the trailer but at least I was on the edge of my seat throughout all the movie. Ben Feldman and Perdita Weeks (beautiful) are very good and in my opinion save the movie.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Welcome to the human race...
Cop Out -

Extremely mediocre, but still better than Zack and Miri Make a Porno.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

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The Machinist (2004) starring Christian Bale----7 out of 10
I really built this movie up in my head over the years from seeing Christian's transformation on tons of lists online and on TV and because of that, of course, it fell a tiny bit short. Totally my fault, not the movie. The story told in this movie is beautiful. I think I love it so much because it is so real. It gives a real insight into a hardcore internal conflict and shows the paints a picture that most people experiencing intense guilt or any deep psychological issue won't or can't put on display. Although the story was incredible, there were a couple simple things I wish could've been different. The music was noticeably corny at times and I didn't care for/understand the casting decision of John Sharian as Ivan. I got what I wanted though, which was a complex plot that was a little confusing, left some elements up in the air for interpretation, but pulled it all together brilliantly at the end, forcing my brain to try to recall the entire movie to see if I could've seen it coming. (I couldn't have)
--Jamie R.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Chrysalis (2014 John Klein)

The post-apocalyptic zombie genre is so very very tired. Still you can find the occasional gem amongst the turds and having never seen a kick-starter funded movie (I don't think) I was willing to give this a shot.

There are three characters in the whole movie besides the zombies. O.K, so they are infected. I don't care. If it looks, walks and quacks like a zombie, I'm calling it a zombie. These three characters are given some backstory to make them interesting. Except that it doesn't. Two of them are a romantic couple; a guy and a girl. The girl can't read and how they kind of make it a big deal in the story, but it never really factors in with any kind of importance feels weird and tacked on. They save another girl who is being attacked along with a male companion. He gets bit and is made to leave but she stays and the duo become a trio.

Things seem a little sketchy. Bit guy comes back and finds Third Wheel alone and says something about truth then takes off again because at this point he is starting to hunger a bit for Third Wheel's brains. Third Wheel obviously has a secret. I like secrets. Secrets are fun. She offers to take the couple to her group. Is her group something like The Governor had a la The Walking Dead? Are they going to eat them? Is something really exciting about to happen? Of course not. When the secret is revealed it's the biggest dud, the biggest so what? moment I think I've ever experienced in a movie. It's a shame too because her having a secret is the only time anything remotely interesting happens in the entire movie.

Whoever wrote this needs to take a creative writing class at their local community college like I'm doing. He would learn a lot, I think. It's just atrocious. One day the couple comes in to find a dead guy and a mysterious box of food. Where did the guy come from? Where did the food come from? Did he die because his arms were tired from carrying that big box of food all by himself? We will never know because after the big production is made of it, it is never mentioned again. There is a similar situation about some bombs that caused this whole mess in the first place.

The ending could be seen coming by my 15 year old dog with cataracts. It's also an ending that should be very familiar. I know I've seen it a bunch.

Go to bed post-apocalyptic zombie movies. Sleep for a long time until you can wake up fresh and new. D-