Movie Cliches


Another one, especially in old 1930s-50s films....

5 seconds after lighting a cigarette they dramatically throw it on the floor!.....Lots of carpet burns back in the day.

The available space at a bar, espcially a crowded one, where you can instantly get the attention of the barman/maid.

The, otherwise, perfectly servicable car that doesn't start when desperately needed.

The numerous combinations for the mirrored cabinet door jump scare.

All chess players being rich/private school educated, apart from the poor genius/maverick player who beats them all.

The less clothes you wear the more chance you're the hero. For men, anyway. Women have to bare the flesh/wear tight fitting clothes regardless.

All computers have a backdoor or an override code.

When being chased, the hero (man) will drag the woman by her hand, regardless of age/injury/fitness/etc/
The numerous combinations for the mirrored cabinet door jump scare.

I'm not sure what you mean by this one...could you site an example?

Medicine cabinets in the bathroom. They used to be opened to reveal the monster/bad/guy/whatever in the reflection. Then there'd be the double bluff. Open it to reveal nothing, person continues with what they're doing, then, when they close it, the monster is revealed. Later came the above, but without the reveal. The person would then move away, 'forget' something, and go back, opening the cabinet to reveal.

Then there's the fake out, which is any of the above but without the reveal. Setting the audience up for a scare that they're expecting, because of the above conventions, but doesn't use.

Of course, sometimes it's just a cat. There's always a cat.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Romantic Comedies-- all the guys love beer and baseball and nobody seems to have a job they spend much time at
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

It's like this typical chronology in movies where inviduals meet each other at the begin of the movie, they become friends (or more if it's a romantic) and than mostly after 3/4 of the movie something serious happens or they are having a big fight and than there is this section of a couple minutes (while sometimes a dramatic song is playing) where the characters are alone and you see them in misery and than at the end they come back together or when one of the characters is in need the other appears to save him (mostly with a badass friendship quote).

EXAMPLES: Ted, Knocked Up, Superbad, 21 + 22 jump street, 21 and over, nick and norah's infinite playlist,...

"Get busy living, or get busy dying." #The Shawshank Redemption

In romantic movies there's always a breakup or something and an old man will tell a character something like " ya gotta learn not to let 'em go son. Don't take advantage of what ya got. Go to her" and then after that some inevitable running ensues and he gets to her just in time for something.
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

I've noticed that at parties in teen movies and other movies involving 20-somethings drinking, is those red party cups. Are they as popular in real life?

Unless the point is that it's awful, sex is always great, vigourous and orgasmic... But no one sweats. Unless it's set in the Southern US and it's supposed to be stifflingly hot/humid, though this sex will almost never happen in a bedroom.

In romantic comedies, bedsheets have some kind of weird L-shaped design which leave the man's chest bare, but cover the woman's breasst. After sex, people will either get out of bed in their underwear (on tv this will include a bra for the woman) or wrap the bedsheet around their lower half to compensate for a sudden attack of shyness... Apparently.

When someone is dying, these quotes like: Don't to this to me ..... ! or It's gonna be allright and than the dying person is looking in his eyes and is saying his last words (clichés like take care of ......) or he dies in the middle of his last sentence...

"Get busy living, or get busy dying."
#The Shawshank Redemption