sci-fi movie about food that starts hunting humans


Registered User
i saw it on tv somewhere in the 80's, so movie could be from the 70's or even earlier.

as i remember people started making artificial food, maybe genetic engineering, but somehow food got self-aware and started hunting humans.

i remember something resembling a huge mantis on a hill or a mountain as one of those "food".


Registered User
unfortunately, it's not that...
if i remember correctly, it was kind of a puppet, not real insect. and it wasn't grasshopper

but thanks for this gem

Attac of the killer tomatoes

Registered User
@akrobatin: haha no... i know all killer tomato movies

@deadite & godoggo: unfortunately, no. as i remember, it's mostly daytime in the movie (if not all of it) and a lot less people in it. also, think it's not in urban surroundings at all.

Registered User
unfortunately, not that either.

wow, can't believe that many movies were made on the similar subject in short period of time.