Movie You're Watching Tonight


Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania (1972) by Jonas Mekas
This is an absolutely wonderful work, I love it! I watched it on the big screen and it was an incredibly dreamlike experience. Thx for remainding about it, I must re-watch.

Wavelength, it's just a static shot with some pitch noises. Never really gave it a try, but it looks like something even I could hardly stand.
+1. I may still have this but never got the stamina to endure an entire screening.

The trailer was intriguing, and I've seen it recommended a lot here. It sounds like one that I need to watch in preparation for the 70's MoFo.

You ready? You look ready.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

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probs 21 jump street

Some very good films as always TokeZa! I'm surprised that this is your first Mizoguchi, but we all have size able gaps in our knowledge. Ugetsu is great but his two best films are far better than this one.
Im actually not that well versed in Japanese (arthouse) cinema. I have seen some of the obvious films, but i still have a lot to discover.

I have stuff like An Autumn Afternoon, Woman in the Dunes, Sansho the Bailiff and Kwaidan lying around and really need to watch that asap, but at the moment there are so many movies i would like to discover.

However i was a pretty huge fan of Akira Kurosawa when i was a teen. I still regard Seven Samurai as one of my favorite movies, even though its been a long time since i have seen it. At the moment i dont feel like revisting him, though i should probably watch Ikiru at some point.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
I know, priorities are important, I didn't watch any Dreyer until this year... That's been fortunately corrected.

Real Life (1979) by Albert Brooks

My roommate really wants to see this. It does not look like my kind of thing. Generally speaking i have a really hard time with comedies. Off the top of my head i can only recall stuff like The Big Lebowski and Groundhog Day as good movies. Hopefully i will be surprised.

A Time to Live, a Time to Die (1985) by Hou Hsiao-Hsien

Im really looking forward to another film by this master director.

Jîn (2013) by Reha Erdem

I like Reha Erdem, while he is not on par with Nuri Bilge Ceylan, he is still a very interesting turkish (kurdish) director. Im excited to see his newest output.