Red Riding Hood
(2011, Dir. Catherine Hardwicke)
My expectations proved correct and the film was ultimately disappointing, whilst I did not think "Snow White and the Huntsman" was particularly good overall, it was certainly more enjoyable and seemed to be more structured and organised than this mess of a film.
First of all there is the plot, which is a combination of two stories that I simply did not care about come the end of the film - one is an attempt at a romantic storyline between the main character Valerie and her lover Peter and the other is a guess-the-villain style murder mystery in which we are trying to find out who is the wolf.
The love story is immediately introduced to us with the film's opening scenes which feel like something straight out of Twilight, not surprising considering the film is directed by Catherine Hardwicke who was also responsible for the first Twilight film. I am not a fan of any of the Twilight films and if you are not then I think it is safe to say it is unlikely you will enjoy the majority of the film.
The film as a whole is all one big mess, with plenty of different plot elements dropped in and removed, most leading no where, constantly giving us a variety of scenes that attempt to make the mystery more intriguing but simply making it more annoying, aside from the cheesy love triangle we have various other clichés and scenes we have seen many times before. There are also a number of absolutely pointless scenes which appear to have been added in with no good purpose at all, including an overdrawn celebration scene and another scene towards the end where we hear grandmothers famous "what big..." lines, these are added in and forced for no good reason as a reference to the initial children's tale which we have by this time long forgotten about.
The acting is pretty much average, no one struck me as particularly bad but aside from the usually stellar Gary Oldman no one was particularly good. Whilst Oldman's performance was good his character was ultimately clichéd and wasted, an insane old man who preaches to the village with his expertise on the task in hand.
The ending is in fitting with everything we've seen before and that is not a good thing. The film tries to be surprising, like a "Scream" film where we are exposed to deliberate attempts to focus on attention on various suspects before our focus changing to the next one, then the next on and so on. Once the truth is revealed the climax is not particularly exciting or interesting and I was more glad it was over than anything else.
Last edited by Daniel M; 07-10-14 at 12:21 PM.