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Review: Iron Man 2

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A couple of years ago, Iron Man came as a pleasant surprise. The screenplay nor the direction were as great as Watchmen or The Dark Knight, but the movie could boast off the presence of Robert Downey Jr. whose electrifying performance was enough shift things up several gears, along with some cool action sequences, fun banter, Jeff Bridges and a straight-forward, but honest plot. After having seen the first one, my immediate thoughts were: "I wanna see the next one!", which does not actually happen very often with these superhero franchises. Now that the second volume has effectively reached theatres near me, my enthusiasm has tempered some.

Iron Man 2 continues where the first installation left off: Tony Stark has outed himself as Iron Man and spends his days safeguarding world peace. The people love him, but the American army is getting impatient and demand he hands over the Iron Man technology. Competing arms manufacturer Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell) attempts to imitate Stark's technology, without the expected success. This success finally comes his way when he lands a deal with the disturbed Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke). Vanko has his own agenda though, and a rather violent one mind you: he wants to eliminate our hero Tony Stark. In the meanwhile, Stark has to deal with health issues (the battery that keeps him alive is slowly poisoning his body), relationship problems (Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) is her whiny self) and -who woulda thought- trouble keeping his hormones under control (courtesy of Scarlet Jo). Help comes from his buddy Rhodey (Don Cheadle) and the illustrious Nick Fury, who has some rather surprising news about Stark's father. Still with me?

Iron Man 2 is like a marathon runner that gets out of breath because he started off too energetic. The scene on the race track in the beginning of the movie is the best one. You start mouth watering and can't help but think: "gimme more!". Unfortunately, we don't get much more to satisfy our appetite. An obnoxious and unnecessary fight between Stark and Rhodey and the grand finale. That's it folks! The remainder of the movie is loaded with long dialogue scenes that are mostly boring - bar the drunken birthday party. As a result, the 2 hour long Iron Man 2 feels like it's dragging itself towards the finish line.

As the plot unravels, one begins to ask himself why they signed all these big names to this movie if they do not give them proper supporting roles. At the end of the movie, Samuel L. introduces the Avengers project, a bland and openly commercial showing which adds nothing to Iron Man 2. Sam Rockwell does ok, but has a part with no meat at all on it. Scarlet Johansson on the other hand, is – as she is in all her movies – looking ravishing as a red-headed supercop. But it is Mickey Rourke’s Ivan Vanko that steals the show. He looks impressive with his dirty hair, golden teeth, nasty scars and bulging muscles. The problem is that he doesn’t do a lot of interesting, exciting things. For the most part, he is no more than a glorified mechanic, which is a damn shame as he showed lots of potential.

But it is not all bad news. Just like Stark has to save America, Downey Jr. attempts to save Iron Man 2 from disaster. Whereas Stark succeeds in fiction, Downey Jr. falls short in real life, but only just. His ironic, flamboyant, rascal-like portrayal of Tony Stark still does the trick. And the movie does offer some fun scenes: a drunk Iron Man and Mickey Rourke’s giant suit (!). However, this does not suffice to make up for Iron Man 2’s shortcomings. It’s all a bit too little, too late. One can’t help but wonder what this movie would have been like with a more stripped down plot and a smaller cast (meaning more Scarlet Jo and Mickey Rourke).

If you don’t expect much out of a movie and are looking for entertainment for which you do not need your grey cells at all, then Iron Man 2 is your cup of tea (or coffee, as some MoFo’s seem to cherish it). Know that this could have been much more than a copy of Spider-Man 3 though.

Nice write up, was so underwhelmed by it I didn't have the energy to write it up as well as you. Glad i'm not alone in thinking this was mediocre, as most of facebook puts me in the minority.

i went to see this movie last night and i wernt to impressed, i thort it was a little to long really no need for Scarlet Johanssons character should of focused more on mickey rourkes. The end was a bit of a dissapointment.The best scene was mickey rourke at the race track. i was looking forward to this movie aswell

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
i went to see this movies last night and i wernt to impressed i thort it was a little to long really no need for Scarlet Johanssons character should of focused more on mickey rourkes the end was a bit of a dissapointment.The best scene was mickey rourke at the race track. i was looking forward to this movie aswell
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Hmm, I was one of the few who was not that impressed with the first Iron Man film anyways. Yeah, Downey Jr was good and the effects were alright, but I thought it was a pretty forgetful film, to be honest. I weak 3 stars. Your review, Brodinski, has convinced me to wait until DVD release. Though Scarlett Johansson in a skin tight leather outfit does tempt me..

Your review, Brodinski, has convinced me to wait until DVD release.
I know you didn't care for the first Iron Man. so that could be a factor. But how does one persons negative review of a movie, convince you (or anyone) to wait until it's DVD release? Just wondering.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
If the review pinpoints areas that Prestige had problems with in the first film, why would he go pay $20 to see the second one?

If I thought that the first film had horrible editing, bad dialogue and the only saving factor was RDJ and someone comes along and says the second is more of the same from the first, I'd wait too.

I haven't seen Iron Man 2, but honestly, what were they thinking when they allowed this to grace the silver screen?:

I am not sure who he's supposed to be, but I hope he's the villain. Mickey Rourke is such a mess these days. With that hairstyle, he looks like Whoopi Goldberg's bastard child.

Is Mickey Rourke supposed to be our new definition of cool?

He is so ugly looking now that the only reason he's become more popular is because they won't allow him to appear in any more erotic sequels to Wild Orchid.

He needs a role in a Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

If I thought that the first film had horrible editing, bad dialogue and the only saving factor was RDJ and someone comes along and says the second is more of the same from the first, I'd wait too.
That's where this comes in...

I know you didn't care for the first Iron Man. so that could be a factor.
If the review pinpoints areas that Prestige had problems with in the first film, why would he go pay $20 to see the second one?
If I had to pay $20 to see any movie I wouldn't even bother going to the theater anymore.

So, the first sentence of your post answered the question in the second, then. No mystery to be solved.

Anyway, whether it's $20, $15, or $10, the point is the same, I'm sure.

...whether it's $20, $15, or $10, the point is the same, I'm sure.
No, because I rather pay $10 than $20 or $15. So my point only extends to the fact if I had to pay an exceedingly ridiculous amount. Which I don't cause tickets are a great price where i live, and I buy drinks and snacks all for under $1.00 elsewhere.

It was TheUsualSuspects' point that was being talked about; his point was about spending money on a film a person won't like. The fact that he just happened to throw out $20 is basically irrelevant, unless you're just randomly deciding to tell him how much you, personally, are willing to pay to see a movie. Everyone else, I think, is talking about The Prestige's decision to wait to see it, which is entirely reasonable for the reasons TUS explained.

I think main problem would be Prestige would get turned away if used any $$s

And surely that's the entire point of reviews, to sway you to see or not see something?

I know you didn't care for the first Iron Man. so that could be a factor. But how does one persons negative review of a movie, convince you (or anyone) to wait until it's DVD release? Just wondering.
Pretty much what Suspects and Yoda and Pyro told you.

Wasn't big on the 1st one. Fans of the first film don't seem to rate the second one as high, which means i'm more than likely not going to enjoy it either, which is why I would rather wait until i catch it on DVD.

Wasn't big on the 1st one. Fans of the first film don't seem to rate the second one as high, which means i'm more than likely not going to enjoy it either, which is why I would rather wait until i catch it on DVD.
That's understandable. I'm gonna give this a shot this weekend when it comes out and see what I think of it. Who knows, I might not even like either. :/

RIP 2002-2010
I haven't seen it. My first thought upon seeing Mickey Rourke is Humongous from The Road Warrior.
"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
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