June flicks. I kind of stuck with good rewatches and crap new watches starting with:
This was okay. An aunt has her teenage nephew living with her due to an accident involving the teens parents and she develops a bit of a crush on him, which is not all too good and leads to murder(s). The Detective investigating the murders believes that the kid is the murderer because he is a homosexual and that's what they do. That's the angle they go with and they aren't shy about letting the Detectives feelings known. Anyway, Susan Tyrell is the crazy Aunt and she's very good at being crazy, again. She's always weird, goofy and entertaining. Other than that, the rest of the cast - eh. Bill Paxton, also of questionable character, shows up as the rival of our main character and Julia Duffy plays the love interest. This wasn't bad but I wouldn't recommend it if you want a real crowd pleasing experience. It was unique.
This is the kind of poster that really grabs my attention and pretty much have to see what inspired it. Happy to see that it stars a brunette and pre-Friends Lisa Kudrow (for about 2 minutes), a horribly miscast Martin Mull as a sleazy, strip club owner and Maxwell Caulfield who was in Grease 2. This is a terrible movie but seeing as how it's a low budget affair about strippers being murdered by a serial killer you should know what to expect going in. A journalist goes undercover at the strip joint because she thinks the strippers are holding back from talking to the police and they are. No explanation is given it's just the code of the strippers, apparently, that when you are being hunted and murdered you don't talk to police. **** tha Police! and no, this is not Old Town. Anyway, in order to fit in the journalist is going to have to, ya know, get naked and her first striptease is awesome. She's absolutely terrible but the worst part may be that her boss showed up for the premier, to calm her nerves or something. Offer her a little support, perhaps. Nah, he's a pig. Yeah, he was way too enthusiastic to see his employee disrobe, like Tom Cruise on Oprah enthusiastic. Cringy. It's an awful(ly) funny scene. As soon as everything's off, and it's just her and the pole, she finds her groove, which is still pretty bad but somehow she does become the clubs star attraction. Of course that draws the attention of who? Uh-huh. This has slightly more plot than Orgy of the Dead but it's still pretty thin and the only reason it reaches a real movie runtime is because of the stripteases. Credit where due - all the routines are different and have interesting levels of bad. There are a few unintentional laughs to be had with this one. One scene, I called Ms. Fredrick in to watch. "You see anything weird about this scene?" I ask as a woman in gold body paint does her routine. "Yeah," she says "Her boobs don't move." That took all of two seconds but she has an eye for that sort of thing.

Vigilante (1982)
Thought his was pretty good. Stars Robert Forester as a man who sees the gang bangers who beat his wife and kill his child beat the rap because of a shitty judge. After the verdict is read, Forester ends up in jail due to a little contempt of court, meets a tough guy prisoner (a wonderful Woody Strode) who takes him under his wing, learns a few things the hard way and is back on the streets to get a little justice. I love the NYC that is presented here. It's a dirty, sleazy, Taxi Driver looking NYC. Fred "The Hammer" Williamson co-stars as the leader of a vigilante squad that hunts down bad guys in an effort to reclaim the neighborhood. Forrester works with The Hammer to find the punks and dole out some street justice. Joe Spinell has a small role as the oily, douche-bag lawyer who gets the thugs off.

Mother's Day (1980)

Arabella: Black Angel (1989)

Beavis and Butthead Do the Universe

Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker (1981)

Stripper: "The only thing that's gonna save her now is a great set of t**s
*top comes off*
Stripper: "Not bad

*top comes off*
Stripper: "Not bad

This is the kind of poster that really grabs my attention and pretty much have to see what inspired it. Happy to see that it stars a brunette and pre-Friends Lisa Kudrow (for about 2 minutes), a horribly miscast Martin Mull as a sleazy, strip club owner and Maxwell Caulfield who was in Grease 2. This is a terrible movie but seeing as how it's a low budget affair about strippers being murdered by a serial killer you should know what to expect going in. A journalist goes undercover at the strip joint because she thinks the strippers are holding back from talking to the police and they are. No explanation is given it's just the code of the strippers, apparently, that when you are being hunted and murdered you don't talk to police. **** tha Police! and no, this is not Old Town. Anyway, in order to fit in the journalist is going to have to, ya know, get naked and her first striptease is awesome. She's absolutely terrible but the worst part may be that her boss showed up for the premier, to calm her nerves or something. Offer her a little support, perhaps. Nah, he's a pig. Yeah, he was way too enthusiastic to see his employee disrobe, like Tom Cruise on Oprah enthusiastic. Cringy. It's an awful(ly) funny scene. As soon as everything's off, and it's just her and the pole, she finds her groove, which is still pretty bad but somehow she does become the clubs star attraction. Of course that draws the attention of who? Uh-huh. This has slightly more plot than Orgy of the Dead but it's still pretty thin and the only reason it reaches a real movie runtime is because of the stripteases. Credit where due - all the routines are different and have interesting levels of bad. There are a few unintentional laughs to be had with this one. One scene, I called Ms. Fredrick in to watch. "You see anything weird about this scene?" I ask as a woman in gold body paint does her routine. "Yeah," she says "Her boobs don't move." That took all of two seconds but she has an eye for that sort of thing.

Vigilante (1982)
Thought his was pretty good. Stars Robert Forester as a man who sees the gang bangers who beat his wife and kill his child beat the rap because of a shitty judge. After the verdict is read, Forester ends up in jail due to a little contempt of court, meets a tough guy prisoner (a wonderful Woody Strode) who takes him under his wing, learns a few things the hard way and is back on the streets to get a little justice. I love the NYC that is presented here. It's a dirty, sleazy, Taxi Driver looking NYC. Fred "The Hammer" Williamson co-stars as the leader of a vigilante squad that hunts down bad guys in an effort to reclaim the neighborhood. Forrester works with The Hammer to find the punks and dole out some street justice. Joe Spinell has a small role as the oily, douche-bag lawyer who gets the thugs off.

Mother's Day (1980)
Okay, maybe Dance With Death wasn't the worst movie I watched last month. How about a film about a couple of rednecks whose Mother likes watching them rape, torture and murder? What a great idea for a movie. Well, I'm one of them people PT Barnum was talking about - there's one born every minute....As soon as I heard the familiar sound of the Troma synth come out of the speakers I knew I should skip it, like I usually do, but I went with it instead. So this is a bad movie but what really makes it weird is the tone goes from silly Toxic Avenger humor to some pretty nasty stuff in the manner of seconds.

The exact opposite of what was happening on screen was happening to me. I made a loaf of sourdough from scratch, rebuilt my car engine, counted to a million, walked into he living room and this was STILL going. People on vacation go to a beach and begin to rapidly age and die. I'm done with Shyamalan. DONE! I know I'm not going to like what he's peddling but I check it out anyway hoping for something different. Like PT Barnum once said....There's one born every minute.

The Triple Wedgie from Jackass Forever
It was a good run but it's about time to retire, guys. I'm not even gonna get into the plot as a lot of it has already been told in previous Jackass films. Funniest bit- Preston Lacy's speed bag balls getting punched by a reciprocating saw adorned with boxing gloves. Or Dangers' encounter with the bear. Maybe the triple wedgie. The vultures molesting Wee Man was funny. I laughed frequently but not as hard as usual. A lot of the stuff seemed recycled and the new cast was ok. A little PSA - if you gonna be showing your junk, gooch this often clean it up a little. This is the grossest of all the films and they look like they smell real bad.

The Triple Wedgie from Jackass Forever
It was a good run but it's about time to retire, guys. I'm not even gonna get into the plot as a lot of it has already been told in previous Jackass films. Funniest bit- Preston Lacy's speed bag balls getting punched by a reciprocating saw adorned with boxing gloves. Or Dangers' encounter with the bear. Maybe the triple wedgie. The vultures molesting Wee Man was funny. I laughed frequently but not as hard as usual. A lot of the stuff seemed recycled and the new cast was ok. A little PSA - if you gonna be showing your junk, gooch this often clean it up a little. This is the grossest of all the films and they look like they smell real bad.

The original [rec] made my top 25 horror films here at MoFo. This one was awful. Everything everybody did was the opposite of what should have happened. If, after being attacked by a "zombie" thing another "zombie" thing comes running at me and I'm armed, I'm unloading on it. That's logical. It's been in the zombie manual since 1968. But that doesn't happen. Why? I don't know. Suspense? That's just a taste of the dumb in this movie. The only good thing about this was Manuela Velasco showing up again.

Arabella: Black Angel (1989)
I was having a bad day so why not pile on. I guess this is a giallo, not a fan of the genre, and it has a ton of sex/nudity, really red blood and a it's a mystery. From what I got, a woman is married to a writer who is in a wheelchair. He can't *ahem* do it for her so she looks elsewhere. The catch is all the dudes she finds and bangs end up kind of dead after she uses them. The weapon of choice for the murderer is a pair of scissors. Sounds cooler than it is. Gonna give it a just because it is such a try hard piece of sleaze. Feels longer than it is.

Beavis and Butthead Do the Universe
Not a bad follow up to Do America. What it gets right is this doesn't feel like there's been a 25+ year lay off for these guys. It fits right in with what they've always been. They're still dumb and thanks to a science fair gone awry and a sympathetic Judge they may get a chance to score with an astronaut. As the title suggests, this time they go to space where they cause a Gravity level disaster, get abandoned, eventually get wormholed and end up in 2022. This is where Judge shines. 2022 B&B are not the most...they aren't built for today's sensitivities, as we find out. There are a few very funny moments (white privilege anybody?) in BaBDtU and it's apparent that Mike Judge hasn't aged past these guys through the years very much, if at all. He can write these guys in his sleep. For fans only. [rating]3[rating]
Risky Business
Michael Clayton
Raising Arizona
10 to Midnight
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)
Risky Business
Michael Clayton
Raising Arizona
10 to Midnight
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)
Last edited by Hey Fredrick; 07-03-22 at 01:19 PM.