Rate The Last Movie You Saw


This might just do nobody any good.
Saw this not too long ago.

F**k, this movie scares me.
It scares you? I think it's hilarious. Top ten favorite.
It's funny, yeah, but in a "oh, god, what's happening?" kind of way. For me, at least. Everything about Dr. Lester and his group of friends is played such a matter of fact way. They're too creepy.

It's similarities with
WARNING: spoilers below
Get Out
helped make it all the more effective.

It's funny, yeah, but in a "oh, god, what's happening?" kind of way. For me, at least. Everything about Dr. Lester and his group of friends is played such a matter of fact way. They're too creepy.

It's similarities with SPOILER Get Out SPOILER helped make it all the more effective.
Do you not know how to use the Spoiler Tags? If not it's the red exclamation mark.

Commando > John Wick
Dude, this again?
"This Would Sharpen You Up And Make You Ready For A Bit Of The Old Ultra-Violence."

movies can be okay...
Three Colours: White (1994):

So I just saw "White" the second part of Krzysztof Kieslowski's "Three Colours" trilogy and it was great. This time the main theme of the film is the second element of the revolutionary motto: equality (égalité), the latter is all and only what our main character (Karol) wants from his journey.

After being summoned to a Paris divorce court, Karol, a Polish immigrant, is begging his French wife for time and ultimately another chance for her love, she then humiliates him on numerous occasions until he has had enough and decides to go back to his home land.

In France, Karol is embarrassed, broke, alone, and basically not on the same level as everybody else, especially his wife, even our first introduction to him sets the tone of what kind of character he is, where a simple pigeon lands its droppings on him, after that is where the theme of equality comes in place, he becomes determined to achieve such thing between him and his wife, and how he does so is quite the fascinating plan, and that's what's great about the film, you could never guess where the story is going.

There are numerous irrational and unrealistic moments throughout the movie, and despite the film not acknowledging them, I still didn't think that realism was essential or was what the director was going for, besides, they are only there to advance the poetic point that Kieslowzki is making, sure a little bit of suspension of disbelief is acquired, but at least there is a purpose to it and I believe it’s worth it.

Although Kieslowski was able to hold my attention by his particular arrangement of background details too, I didn't find him nearly as impressive as he was in "Blue", just like I didn't find the story as engaging or compelling as in the preceding film.

There is also a lack of clarity near the end of the film, and not in a good way, it felt as if an essential two minute chunk of footage was cut out during the editing process, and I'm not sure why…

Overall, "White" was a unique episode of the trilogy, it differs from its predecessor on many things such as the tone which in this entry was somewhat comedic, I thought some of these choices worked, others didn't, but no matter what they are all intentional, which makes me much more curious to see what "Red" will be like.

"A film has to be a dialogue, not a monologue — a dialogue to provoke in the viewer his own thoughts, his own feelings. And if a film is a dialogue, then it’s a good film; if it’s not a dialogue, it’s a bad film."
- Michael "Gloomy Old Fart" Haneke

Strange movie. Not much of a plot, but compelling viewing thanks to Jake G. If he were not in it, the movie would have failed IMO.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

rating: took freaking 2 hrs of my life.
hate romance movies, dont get marrie guys!

dont get married guys!
LOL. Don't get married women, I would say. Unless you want to clean up after a man for the rest of your life.

LOL. Don't get married women, I would say. Unless you want to clean up after a man for the rest of your life.
wow, someone is Bitter...

British sense of humor. Not bitter at all.
what kind of man is there in the uk that you need to stay home and clean all day?

I recently watched Match Point and have rewatched it several times since!

I've never seen anything quite like it...
Usually I rate a film highly based predominantly on its aesthetics but this film (despite looking good[though not spectacular]) has made me look at films entirely differently... by dazzling me with a totally immersive plot and incredible screenplay made better by outstanding performances, especially by Jonathon Rhys Meyers who I've never seen before in a movie, to the best of my knowledge.

But the writing is just pure epic, Woodie Allen has never wowed me before but I respect his creativity in his 'classics' Manhattan and Annie Hall, but after watching Match Point I have become obsessed with this whole new genre to me, which involves class, relationships, deceit and the divide between love and lust.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses

I recently watched Match Point and have rewatched it several times since!

I've never seen anything quite like it...
Usually I rate a film highly based predominantly on its aesthetics but this film (despite looking good[though not spectacular]) has made me look at films entirely differently... by dazzling me with a totally immersive plot and incredible screenplay made better by outstanding performances, especially by Jonathon Rhys Meyers who I've never seen before in a movie, to the best of my knowledge.

But the writing is just pure epic, Woodie Allen has never wowed me before but I respect his creativity in his 'classics' Manhattan and Annie Hall, but after watching Match Point I have become obsessed with this whole new genre to me, which involves class, relationships, deceit and the divide between love and lust.
On a scale from 1-10, what would you give it?