Where would you travel to, if you could pick any place at all?


What is your dream career?

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite song?

Are you a morning, or evening person?

How late do you normally stay up?

What's the longest you've ever stayed up?

What is your favorite Hitchcock film?

What is your least favorite Hitchcock film?

Give me your top 5 favorite Hitchcock films in order.

Name the Hitchcock films you have not seen yet, but want to.

What Hitchcock films are you avoiding?

Name your favorite Hitchcock actress.

Name your favorite Hitchcock actor.

Name your least favorite of both.

Which Hitchcock film do you believe had the worst effects?

Which Hitchcock film had the best effects?

Which Hitchcock film had the best surprise ending, whether you already knew about it or not. Just name his best work in that department.

Now do the same for the worst surprise ending in his films.

Which Hitchcock film had the best plot?

Which Hitchcock film had the worst plot?

What is your favorite hobby, besides watching movies?

You were expecting another Hitchcock question, weren't you?

What is your favorite TV show?

What is your least favorite TV show?

Have you seen any of Hitchcock's television series?

If so, which are your favorite?

Which are your least favorite?

OK, I'm really done with him.

If you had to throw away all your movies but one, which one would you keep?

Do you avoid watching certain movies, simply because of an actor that is in them?

Name 5 actors you would love to meet, and why. What would you want to do to, or with them?

Name the movie you hate the most.

What is your favorite movie genre?

Do you go to the theater often?

If you could look like anyone famous, who would it be?

What is your opinion on remakes?

What is your opinion on the Psycho remake?

So I asked one more. Shoot me!