I would make six movies based on the greatest series of books I have ever read. I know this is a long post, but if you like to read fantasy, make sure you spend the time.

The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever by Stephen R. Donaldson.

Book I - Lord Foul's Bane
Thomas Covenant is an author who has contracted leprosy. He has been abandoned by his family and shunned by society. One day he appears to have a car accident and is magically transported to The Land. The Land is a world full of health and people dedicated to the preservation of life and The Land. Covenant is convinced The Land is a dream after he is treated with a mysterious substance called "hurtloam" and his damaged nerves begin to heal. He refuses to believe in The Land thinking he is dreaming and dubs himself the Unbeliever.
But Covenant is the incarnation of The Land's greatest hero, Berek Halfhand (Covenant had two fingers amputated due to his leprosy). He also bears a magical talisman; his wedding ring made of white gold. White gold is not found in The Land and is supposed to be a substance that commands wild magic. Covenant has been warned by Lord Foul, who more or less represents Satan, that The Land will come under his control within 49 years. Covenant journeys to warn the Lords of The Land who are wielders of great magical power. The Lords wish to enlist Covenant's help (wielding the magic of the white gold) in defeating Lord Foul, but no one knows how to make use of the white gold. Will Covenant learn to use his power in time to aid The Land?
The first part of the novel contains an excellent explanation of leprosy and how lepers must protect themselves from injury. You want to feel sorry for Covenant, but he is a very dark character who is difficult to care about. Upon recovering his health, he loses his self-control and rapes a young girl. Covenant is definitely not going to be voted "Man of the Year." However, stick with the series and you will eventually learn to care about him. This books mainly covers Covenant's struggles to deny that The Land exists and avoid learning how to use his power.

Book II - The Illearth War
Thomas Covenant has only been back in the "real" world less than two weeks when he is summoned to The Land once again. There, 40 years have passed and the Lords have been preparing for war against Lord Foul. They are certain his army will be on the march soon. They feel they have been unable to master sufficient lore to defeat Lord Foul, so the High Lord Elena has summoned Covenant to ask him to use the power of the white gold to fight Lord Foul. But Covenant is still uncertain how to use the white gold.
The armies of the Lords are lead by a blind strategist named Hile Troy. Five years earlier, Troy was summoned from Covenant's world in a failed attempt to bring Covenant to The Land. Covenant agrees to go with the Lords and the army when they go forth to meet Lord Foul's army in battle. Outnumbered by at least ten to one, the army of the Lords faces a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Will Covenant find a way to aid them? Is Hile Troy up to the task of pulling off a seemingly impossible victory?
Most of the first half of this novel focuses on Hile Troy and the Lords as they face Lord Foul's army. The action is exciting and the battle sequences are very well written. Hile Troy is another dark, flawed character, but he is a bit easier to empathize with than Covenant.
The second half of the book deals with Covenant accompanying the High Lord Elena (actually his daughter from his despicable act in the first book) in search of powerful lore that may help defend The Land. Covenant's struggle to come to terms with the rape he committed and to develop a relationship with his daughter makes for fascinating reading. Donaldson does a superb job of character development with Covenant in this book.

Book III - The Power that Preserves
After only a few days back in the "real" world, Covenant is again summoned to The Land. This time though, he resists the summons. High Lord Mhoram pleads with Covenant for his assistance, but Covenant refuses, since he was on the verge of saving a little girl from a snakebite in his own world. Mhoram lets him go.
Covenant goes back and carries the little girl to her family. But just as he gets there, he is summoned back to The Land by Triock, the lover of the girl he raped 47 years before. Covenant finds that Lord Foul's armies are on the march again and that the Lords and their armies are besieged in their keep. Covenant, along with a few companions from the other novels, decides to take the fight directly to Lord Foul in his lair. However, Foul's lair is many leagues away and Covenant still needs to somehow master the use of the white gold.
In this novel, Covenant finally begins to believe The Land is real, or at least he believes he must aid the people of The Land to end his mad fantasy. He finds reserves of inner strength that he didn't know he possessed in his efforts to assail Lord Foul. Again the battle scenes are exceptionally well crafted. This novel provides a very satisfying conclusion to the first trilogy. Onward to the second trilogy...

The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever by Stephen R. Donaldson.

Book I - The Wounded Land
It has been 10 years since Thomas Covenant was last summoned to The Land to assist the Lords of The Land in their battle against Lord Foul. His last visit resulted in his confrontation and defeat of Lord Foul by using the wild magic of his white gold ring. During these 10 years, Covenant has tried to make a life for himself as a writer and cope with his leprosy to the best of his ability.
However, Covenant suddenly finds himself summoned to The Land once more and this time his summoner is Lord Foul. Three thousand years have passed since Covenant was last in The Land. But all the beauty and healthful benefits of The Land are gone. Lord Foul has warped The Land to his will through the use of the Sunbane, an evil aura around the sun that bends the laws of nature. The people of The Land must scratch out a meager existence and use human blood in an attempt to control the Sunbane. The people have forgotten all they once knew about the earthpower that they used to cherish and care for The Land. Also, all the healing restoratives that helped Covenant overcome the effects of his leprosy are now gone. To make matters worse, Covenant no longer possesses the "health sense" that allowed him to see what was good and evil about The Land.
Accidentally summoned with him this time is a physician, Linden Avery. Linden possesses the "health sense" that Covenant now lacks. Just looking at the warped nature of The Land is painful to her. Although not suffering from leprosy, Linden has demons of her own from her past that she must come to terms with in order to assist Covenant in the redemption of The Land.
Covenant decides to journey to Revelstone, the former Lords’ keep, to determine if the Clave, strange governing body that manipulates the Sunbane, is acting for the good of the people. Can Covenant find a way to reverse the effects of the Sunbane? Can he face and defeat Lord Foul once again? Can Linden come to terms with the ghosts of her past and find a way to assist Covenant?

Book II - The One Tree
In The Wounded Land Covenant confronted the Clave, strange governing body of The Land that has replaced the council of Lords, and learned the truth about Lord Foul’s role in the desecration of The Land. Covenant decides the best course of action is to leave The Land to search for the Isle of the One Tree. Centuries before, Berek Halfhand had forged the Staff of Law from a branch of the One Tree. Covenant feels the only hope of redemption for The Land is to forge a new staff and restore the laws of nature that were broken when the original staff was destroyed. Accompanied by Linden Avery and a ship full of giants they depart The Land. Since no one knows where the One Tree is located, the giants suggest that the company seek the help of the Elohim. The Elohim are a fairy people that appear to be earthpower incarnate. But the Elohim have their own plans for Covenant and the white gold.
A great deal of this book explores the character of Linden Avery. She has terrible secrets in her past that she must explore and confront to overcome her feelings of helplessness. Her confrontation with the leader of the Clave in The Wounded Land left her doubting herself and feeling that she is inherently evil. She must work through her feelings and find a way to help Covenant on his quest to redeem The Land. The giants are all terrific characters, which add to the enjoyment of this book. There is a great deal of action in this book, which flows exceptionally well and never drags.

Book III - White Gold Weilder
Despite the crushing failure at the Isle of the One Tree, Covenant and Linden realize that they have no choice but to go on fighting the nefarious plots of Lord Foul. They decide to return to The Land and attempt to extinguish the Banefire hoping that this will slow the desecration of the Sunbane. The minions of Lord Foul are poised to oppose them every step of the way. They also know that even if they slow down the Sunbane, they still must eventually find a way to stop Lord Foul himself.
Donaldson brings the trilogy to a brilliant conclusion in this volume. Linden finally comes to terms with the "ghosts" of her past and realizes that she is not inherently evil despite having made mistakes in the past. Covenant achieves an inner peace after he finally accepts what he must do to defeat Lord Foul. The triumph of two flawed human beings over the "devil incarnate" provides an interesting premise for Donaldson to explore the frailties of human nature. Although we expect Covenant and Linden to win in the end, the ending was inventive and engaging and not at all what I expected.

There is a rumor that Donaldson may write the Third Chronicles of Thomas Covenant. I, for one, am avidly awaiting their publication. If you enjoyed The Lord of the Rings then you will love these two trilogy's.

EDIT: Book 7, which is actually the 1st book of The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant is available. The Runes of the Earth. Pretty damn spiffy if you ask me, but it will be ten to fifteen years before the fourth and final installment will reach dealers shelves. Man, I hope he doesn't pass away before it's complete.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."