2001: A Space Odyssey

Directed by: Stanley Kubrick

This was an interesting movie to watch, and it was fairly obvious to me shortly into the movie why this movie is as critically aclaimed as it is. The work that it did with the camera and the effects would have been something that was very new and cutting edge for 1968.

As for the film itself, the minimalist style in which it was shot and written, was also interesting and captivating. It aided the visuals and brought a sort of tranquil depth to the film.

Finally, the plot itself wasn't all that engaging. Some of the leaps and jumps that it made, between the three main sections, seemed to be overly disconnected. There was no good through line that tied the sections together.

Final thoughts before the grade:
What makes this film interesting to watch is the effects and the camera work which were new and invovative for thier time. It is one of those movies which I came away from it feeling like I liked the movie, but I didn't know why since I wasn't all that engaged by the movie.

Grade: 8.5/10
"As I was walking up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today,
I wish, I wish he'd go away."
-From Identity