WHY? You continue to avoid the larger question of why, in an empty, purely material world, life itself is a good thing. Why is it good to exist? Simply because you desire to? Give me a reason, devoid of emotion or instinct, why the existence of intelligent life (or any life, for that matter) is "good." Better yet, explain to me what your standard of "good" is, given that you do not believe in right and wrong. Good to whom? Some humans over others?
Life explains its own value. We live an existence devoid of meaning except existence itself. The will to survive is built in, an inherent part of that existence.

It would only be selfless and noble if you deemed yourself one of those who ought to die. Advocating the destruction of large swaths of people you've deemed useless does not involve any sacrifice on your part, and therefore is not selfless or noble.
Sure it does. It is far easier to simply avoid the hard questions, and sacrifice to step up and embrace them, despite personal or emotional costs. No one will ever thank you for it, and it is an enormous burden. That is always the cost of leading.