The Shoutbox
How about Bingo seating, AMC?
Originally Posted by doubledenim
We can’t reject the edicts our overlords place on us!
Originally Posted by doubledenim
At least that pricing policy makes more sense than the one for gas.
Right? How else are we supposed to afford the gas we need to burn shit down?
At least that pricing policy makes more sense than the one for gas.
We can’t reject the edicts our overlords place on us!
Yea - terrible idea.

Just another nail in the coffin, sadly.
That AMC ticketing decision is wild. And it's a wonder why I don't go to the movies anymore.
I really don’t want to watch ‘The Whale’. I should, right?
my shout count is two parts gin, and one part pre-tyrant capitalist criticizer


Desktop users!
what am i? chopped liver?