The Shoutbox
at the office. 4am.
no point really in going home now. I have a presentation in 5 hours. I have time still to come up with more content, but at this point I think I'm overthinking and will likely overload everyone.

so. I'm here capitalizing my Is while completely ignoring everything else for the moment.

funny. I used an I tag to surround that I. I tagged the I with an I tag.

i dudditz!!!

lol. that was layered.
Not bad at all, I think my parents said I was eleven before I started counting, though according to herself I still don't count when it comes to most decisions
Originally Posted by ynwtf
wait. was it already animated? I'm just now seeing that!
Four years and counting!
"Let's find out..."
"what do ya,suppose the range is on that thing?
wait. was it already animated? I'm just now seeing that!
"Your kids are gonna love it!"
McFly put two coats of wax on.

Shine Time!
I love that avatar. That is cool as shit!