The Shoutbox
He's 94.
Originally Posted by Chypmunk
So nearly the anthem all those Mel Brooks fans were hoping for.....
is mel brooks still alive tho?
Oh yeah, my latest single released today. Relevant AF to this conversation.

"Eat beans and rice"
I think I'm OK to live in a van. down by the river.
The worst part about buying tech is it eventually leads to another item you need. And another. And another.
Like...why did I buy a Switch?
Yeah, I just need to nip my frivolous spending. Slowly amassing gear that isn't being used is a big cause of my anxiety.
for me, it typically becomes a choice between ground under my feet, or another guitar. =\
*sends a PM with a few hundred techie item links for consideration.
Just deleted like 90% of my Amazon wishlists. Maybe that'll stop me from buying shit.
I just want to own the ground under my feet. Maybe then I will have a better sense of security and attachment to the area.