The Shoutbox
Anybody? Bueller??
Anybody a member of The Garth Brooks fan club?
Those darn White Anglo-Saxon Protestants 🤨
We have had five wasps infiltrate our office in the last month. I think they are mocking me. They made me fall off a stool last year and fracture my foot 🤣
This place has gone to the dogs. Just like that quack.
Huh? Moth thoup??

"Waiter, what'th thith moth doing in my thoup?"

"It would appear to be the breathtthtroke Thir!"
moth't thertainly! thoopid moths.
Ooooooh, that moth't have been just awful for you
mucho appreciato the adviso-ree. stoopid flapping brows.

slightly related, i was attacked by a moth this morning in the shower. that was weird! thing just kept diving in then I'd lose visual on my 6. several moments later i'd see it again just before vanishing again (the moth, not me). there i was, in a shower, jumping around the water flapping my arms like i just walked through a spider web AND had kicked a hornets' nest! all while this friggin moth was harassing me! i still have no idea where it went.

Best of luck, hope you don't catch any eyebrows - personally I'd just close all doors and windows for the duration so them pesky things can't fly into the room in the first place.