The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by John McClane
Oh, my bad, I assumed it worked for all posts. Anyways, I use that feature, so that's why it matters. Why does it matter to you that it matters to me?
It doesn't.
The Shoutbox Tyrant has moved the shout(s) in this general area to this thread.
So it shall be written.
Here is the post in question. I'd ask anyone talking about this to read it and genuinely consider it for a bit before we continue talking about all this soon.

Originally Posted by John McClane
Yoda knows what I mean.
Yep, we're on the same page.
BTW, now that the thread is (very temporarily) closed, make sure The Shoutbox doesn't just become spillover. I'm serious about this. Respect the decision please, everybody take a breathe, and be content to reply in a very short period of time after digesting what I just posted, if you want to keep talking about it.

If it's insanely difficult to wait a tiny bit to continue talking about it, that's a really good reason to think the responses have become reflexive rather than thoughtful and considered, anyway.
Yoda knows what I mean.
Oh, my bad, I assumed it worked for all posts. Anyways, I use that feature, so that's why it matters. Why does it matter to you that it matters to me?
He means the number. Which, yes, will be added. That one's an easy change.

In all likelihood I'll be able to add a whole slew of things like that this week.
You can't tell who gave thumbs up on other people's posts anyway. And what does it matter?
Not if it isn’t my post.
Your notifications will tell you.