The Shoutbox
I like the first one. Up to you if you wanna do one big thread for all the music stuff, or one for lyrics and one for samples.
My sample thread should probably go in the music sub, yeah?

Title suggestions?

Sample this Sample
Sample this!
I'm triggered!
YAHTZEE, Sedai!!!
lighter saber. the choice of a new generation.

idunno. can't help it.
Bingo Sedai.

Yoda: will do.
I'd recommend housing them in an Intermission thread, then, if they're gonna be regular.
My Sample 1: the sound that gets soloed in the last few seconds of the video.

What did I use to make that?

I'm going to be doing more of these, so I appreciate the feedback about the confusion.
It's not even clear what we're guessing. Object used to make the sound? Name of the track? No clue.

Nope. Want another hint?