The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by John McClane
I count net carbs and fats.
KETO FTW! I'm still struggling to get BACK on keto. I lost weight, I felt amazing, and lots of little chronic issues righted themselves when I was paying attention to stricter keto. And it's really EASY once you truly take the plunge. Ugh, must curtail road trips that make me too lazy to order proper keto meals...
Originally Posted by Yoda
Probably via the search on Movies.

If somebody has a bunch marked on IMDB or Letterboxd, I have been hoping/planning to build an exporter to help with that. Could use a good test case at some point.

There are some movies that are not on letterboxd because they are rare. I watched a Asian film on Hulu once and it was no where to be found but the movie poster on google pictures referring Hulu.

Weird how movies dont make IMDB or TMBD.
Followed by a nice little sun nap.

I wonder where my motivation has gone today?
Doughnut count = 6 and rising.
Originally Posted by John McClane
Originally Posted by Yoda
It's the not thinking about it for weeks on end that gets ya'.
that explains why my ass got so big last winter
Oh my god, Becky.
Yea, that's the method I was using. Wasn't sure if there was another method besides that and of course the cross pollination with the lists, which has also been my primary method so far.
Originally Posted by Sedai
What would be the most efficient method on MoFo to mark films as seen?
Probably via the search on Movies.

If somebody has a bunch marked on IMDB or Letterboxd, I have been hoping/planning to build an exporter to help with that. Could use a good test case at some point.
To sleep, purrchance to dream.
Tabby, or not Tabby.
What would be the most efficient method on MoFo to mark films as seen?
How did this go from seen movies to McClanes ass?