The Shoutbox
Compared to other forums I've been on this one explodes with activity.
I don't really see much interaction here,shame really as it does look like an interesting forum, but as a Brit on a mainly American forum I'm not fitting in.
Thanks to the guys that did make the effort though! Close my account please admin.
Looks like I failed in my hopes of learning German in time for season zwei.

Come on and waste that weekend
Especially not without coffee.
See. Being woke is not all it is cracked up to be.
Why am I still awake?
I hope we close those concentration camps soon.
I hope no one goes to the Dominican Republic for the summer...
We all know what kind of budder all those pastries are being made with.

Such a vicious cycle.
Bud, buddy, don't worry...we understand all sorts of code here